I am looking for someone to translate and publish a research book I have written on Japanese cosmetic culture. The book deals with the history, development, and contemporary trends of cosmetics in Japan and provides valuable insights for anyone interested in the subject.

The ideal candidate will be fluent in both Japanese and English and have a strong understanding of the subject.

If you know of anyone who might be able to help me with this project, please do not hesitate to contact me. It is my hope that this book will provide valuable information and bring Japan's unique beauty culture to a wider audience.








제가 쓴 일본 화장품 문화에 관한 연구 서적을 번역하고 출판해 줄 분을 찾고 있습니다. 이 책은 일본 화장품의 역사, 발전, 현대적 트렌드를 다루고 있으며 이 주제에 관심이 있는 모든 사람에게 귀중한 통찰력을 제공합니다.

이상적인 지원자는 일본어와 한국어에 능통하고 해당 주제에 대한 이해도가 높아야 합니다.

이 프로젝트에 도움을 줄 수 있는 분을 알고 계신다면 주저하지 마시고 연락 주시기 바랍니다. 이 책이 귀중한 정보를 제공하고 일본의 독특한 뷰티 문화를 더 많은 사람들에게 알릴 수 있기를 바랍니다.



Je cherche quelqu'un pour traduire et publier un livre de recherche que j'ai écrit sur la culture cosmétique japonaise. Ce livre traite de l'histoire, du développement et des tendances contemporaines des cosmétiques au Japon et fournit des informations précieuses à toute personne intéressée par le sujet.

Le candidat idéal parlera couramment le japonais et le français et aura une bonne compréhension du sujet.

Si vous connaissez quelqu'un qui pourrait m'aider dans ce projet, n'hésitez pas à me contacter. J'espère que ce livre fournira des informations précieuses et qu'il fera connaître à un public plus large la culture unique de la beauté au Japon.

Dr Ryuen Hiramatsu, born in 1980, conducts research on cosmetic psychology and cosmetic culture. He has appeared in many TV programmes such as NTV's "Tokoro-san no Megaten!", CX's "Mezamashi Doyoubi" and NHK's "Kiwameru! Nakagoshi Noriko no Kyoubijin Gaku". His major study, "Looking at Japanese Culture through Cosmetics", and his other research have been used as questions in the entrance exams of Kansai University and Showa Women's University, and have attracted the interest of both researchers and non-researchers.


Dr Ryuen Hiramatsu researches cosmetics. Cosmetic research is certainly not standard in Japan and the rest of the world. This is because facial care and the use of cosmetics to cover the face with pigment are related to the issue of beauty and ugliness. Dr Hiramatsu simply makes cosmetics the subject of this research. Cosmetics have a significant impact on society, one that defines what is beautiful and what is ugly, as well as telling us how to become beautiful. He focused his research on these points. From time to time, his research didn't progress because he was afraid of criticism of the subject of his research and of himself. But cosmetics are not an abstract object, it is a tangible social and cultural phenomenon. Moreover, cosmetics are a custom based on a way of behaving and a set of values related to things such as society, culture and psychology. Cosmetics are one of the results of what culture and society create and could be called a projection drawing. In addition, people learn from society and culture how they should look and then use cosmetics accordingly. Therefore, researching cosmetics is not just a way to satisfy my curiosity, but a way to predict the future development of society and culture. This shows that the subject has real value.





化粧にみる日本文化 だれのためによそおうのか? 









邪推するよそおい: 化粧心理学者の極私的考察





