第10回 世界同時念仏会開催ーChanting Namu-Amida-Butsu Internationally—


2020年11月に第1回世界同時念仏会を開催、隔月で世界各地から中継を頂き2年目に入りました。今回は10回目の開催で、インド・ブッダガヤの仏心寺とネパール・カトマンズの平等寺が中継の中心となります。参加者は、それぞれの場所から、Zoomにアクセスし、オンラインでお念仏を1時間、ご一緒にお称えいたします。皆様どうぞ下記のZoomリンクからアクセスご参加下さいますようお願い致します。今後も、世界同時念仏会は、24時間不断念仏会と連携をしながら開催してまいります。 皆様どうぞZoomからアクセスしてご参加ください。





日本時間1月25日18:00(ZULU :1月25日9:00)



Zoom ミーティングID(Meeting ID):810 3563 5766






インド・ブッダガヤ仏心寺/配信:清水良将上人、ネパール・カトマンズ 平等寺/配信:光明シェレスタ師







今から880 年前、法然さまのお父さま漆間時国公は、源内武者明石定明の夜襲による負傷が元でこの世を去るときに「汝さらに会稽の恥をおもひ敵人をうらむることなかれ云々」と、息子である法然さまに敵を恨み仇を打つことを諫められました。この御遺言が、法然さまが仏の道をすすむきっかけとなり、すべての人を救う専修念仏のみ教えを広めるため浄土宗をお開きになった基となりました。更に昭和20年8月6日並びに同年8月9日日本は世界唯一の原子爆弾の被爆国となり戦争の愚かさ、悲惨さを思い知りました。私たち念佛の道に生きるものは、世界平和の先導者となるべく、お念仏のみ教えの心をもって、仏説無量寿経にある「兵戈無用」の教えをとこしえに尊び、平和の道をお念仏とともに歩むよう励んでおります。このたび、およそ2 年間に及ぶ新型コロナウイルス世界的蔓延にあたり、感染者の回復を念じると共に死去されし方々の菩提を弔い、この疫病が一日も早く終息することを願い、平穏な社会になることを切に祈念いたします。また、阿弥陀さまのみ光が、敵味方分け隔てなく明るく照らし、ロシア軍によるウクライナ侵攻をはじめ世界各地の紛争に巻き込まれている人々の無事と、それぞれの事態が、これ以上恨みを募らせ暴力を拡大することなく一時も早く平和的に終息することを願います。


Eight hundred and eighty years ago, Uruma Tokikuni (Honen Shonin’s father) was under nightly attack by his enemy Guennai Musya Akashi Sadaakira. In the moments before his death, Honen’s father forbade his son from seeking revenge against the

enemy. These final words from his father were the motivation for Master Honen to begin following the Buddhist path. This led him to practice and spread the doctrine of exclusively reciting Nembutsu, which saves everyone indiscriminately. Honen went on to find the Jodo Shu tradition. Many centuries later, on August 6th and 9th, 1945, Japan became the only country in the history of the world to be attacked with atomic bombs. We quickly realized the stupidity and misery of war. We, the people of Nembutsu, hope to achieve peace in the world. With Nembusu in our hearts, we adhere to the pacifist teaching that "armies and weapons should never be used." As taught in the Sutra of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life, we must remain devoted to treading the peaceful path of Nembutsu. We pray with veneration and sincerity the light of Amida Buddha will illuminate and promote global unity, without any distinction between enemies and allies. May the Ukrainian people cease to live under attack by Russian aggressors, and may no one ever have to experience the terror and suffering of wars around the world. May all conflicts end peacefully and immediately without more hatred and violence. Also, as we continue to endure the COVID-19 pandemic we pray for those who have died from the virus. We hope for the rapid recovery of all who are ill, wish for consolation to the families of those lost and infected, and pray for the immediate cessation of this pandemic.


880 anos atrás, Uruma Tokikuni, o pai de Mestre Honen deixou uma palavra no momento de morte por causa do ataque noturno do seu adversário Guennai Musya Akashi Sadaakira, em que proibiu seu filho a ressentir o inimigo e desejar vingança. Essa última palavra do pai foi a motivação para o Mestre Honen entrar no caminho de Budismo, o que levou a esclarecer uma grande doutrina de Nembutsu que salva todos e, por fim, fundou Jodoshu para divulgar ela. Além disso, nos dias 6 e 9 de agosto de 1945, O Japão se tornou único país do mundo bombardeado pelas bombas atômicas, e enxergamos a estupidez e miséria de guerra. Nós, que seguimos a doutrina de Nembutsu, para se tornar um membro de realização da paz mundial, mantemos o Nembusu em nosso coração, admirando o lema de “não usar nenhuma arma” do Sutra Muryoju-kyo, e empenhamos a caminhar uma rota de paz através de

Nembutsu. Hoje, que passamos mais de 2 anos na pandemia da COVID-19, rogamos sinceramente a recessão imediata desta pandemia, a recuperação rápida dos pacientes e a iluminação de verdade das todas as vítimas. E mais, rogamos com veneração e sinceridade e esperamos que a luz de Buda Amida ilumine, sem distinção de inimigos e aliados, as pessoas que sofrem na Crise da Ucrânia e em todas as guerras civis ao redor do mundo. Para que os envolvidos não sofram mais, e para que essas guerras terminem pacificamente, sem acumular mais os ódios e nem ampliar os seus poderes violentos.