D=OUT: together again. Historic meeting | Blue Bird | D=ALL by Aoi Tori
This day has come!!!

The day we were waiting for since 23.09.2014!!!  Finally we have got some news from... 
 again!!!!!!! and....

D=OUT composed of all 6 members together in one photo!!!

My God!! So many times I imagined it!! So many times my dreams about it ended with tears.。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。
But yesterday I was crying because of happiness when I saw them all!!! (T▽T;)
And it seem to be a first meeting for 2 our drummers!! The best drummers in the Universe, yeah!!!)) Even though one of them is an active dautofan now. Right, Minase?? You belong to our Dauto fandom?
I'm really glad that they could meet finally!!! o(゜∇゜*o)(o*゜∇゜)o~♪

But as always not only this fact happened yesterday. As always I understood that my comics and Nau-post came true again!!! Because last 6 months I often make some funny pictures about D=OUT members, usually all jokes are about our drummers.
So, one of the last Just-For-Fun-comics was made by me on 16 February, the meaning is easy to understand. We always laugh that "Naoto steals other members' fangirls hearts, but he does it not on purpose. And the members don't know whose fault is in this situation". (LOL)

And in this time they found who was guilty!!!


Reika says, everything that happens is just because of... Minase!! (LOL)
And they decides to come to him!

How could I think that my comics will be continued??

BUT!!! And it's not all!!

On 20 February I asked Kouki at least to invite Minase for D=OUT's 10th anniversary next year.

How could I think that this moment was SO NEAR!!!

What I have to say at last. Life really brings sad things... but everything has a reason. Sometimes something must happen only to move something else. I wanna say... really sad to talk about it... if xTRiPx was active until now, maybe Naoto would not write such beautiful songs like "Shingitai" and "TAXI".... Also if Minase was with us always, I'm almost sure, I would never know Naoto. I really think, he is an amazing find for the band. So, all that I want, please, drummers, be together with D=OUT and D=OUT's fandom!!!!! We need you! You are a part of us, our hearts and souls. We are one family, we are the ONE!!! 

= six-time love! Hachikoukishin Elenaota =