
1. We talked about the problem.


2. I apologized for what I said.



3. We talked about going to South America.


4. You should apologize for not telling the truth.


5. He doesn't approve of swearing.


6. We have decided against moving to Chicago.


7. I wouldn't dream of asking them for money.


8. I don't feel like going out tonight.


9. They insisted on paying for the meal.


10. Are you looking forward to going away?


11. Has Rob succeeded in finding a job yet?


12. I'm thinking of(about) buying a new house.



13. I don't approve of people killing animals as a sport.


14. We are all looking forward to Andy coming home next week.



15. He accused me of telling lies.


16. We conguratulated Lauren for(on) winning the prize.


17. What prevented you from coming to see us?


18. The rain didn't stop us from enjoying our trip.


19. Nobody suspected him of being a spy.


20. I thanked everyone for helping me.


<not ~ing>

21. He accused me of not telling the truth.



22. We were accused of telling lies. (accused of lying)


23. The general was suspected of being spy.


<applogize "to" (人) for...>

24. I applogized to them for keeping them waiting.