Yesterday I watched two videos from BBC idea. One is about how to feel more in control of time and the other is about how to be more productive.


First, let me share an idea about the former. There are some points to spend time richer. First of all, we should spend our time for other people rather than bingeing on TV box, according to a research. We tend to feel "time affluence" when we spend time in such a way. Moreover, we can spend tiny time chunks of the day like going for a run, sitting on a bus, or making cup of tea more usefully. A professor thinks these mini downtimes as chunks of opportunity. He or she suggest that we should use them as time to do "productive meditation". This meditation is like concentrating on watching surroundings or stream rising from the spout. Finally, we should utilize "holiday paradox". Different experiences like vary routines or try new hobbies, however small, will be more rewarding. Most of us still have 5 hours left if we add up daily habit like sleep. So it's up to our effort.


I want to explain about the later, but I have no time and space to do it. So I write what I was impressed most. "Pomodoro technic". We should set a timer when we spend rest. 


Today's song: (2) 和田アキ子 ー YONA YONA DANCE - YouTube

See you!