Somewhat yesterday was a busy day. But I overcame all of my task.


Firstly, I got full score in both classical Chinese grammer and Chinese character. Looking this visual appeal, I really feel that we study language from China despite we are Japanese. What we can call as a pure Japanese is only classic Japanese which is composed by characters like hiragana. We can also say that Japanese is so tolerant a language that has accepted many other languages not only English but also Portuguese. At this point, Japanese is kind toward other culture. On the other hand, when it comes to new system or concept, things are different. Perhaps because this nation is a small island, we are totally reluctant to incorporate new system like AI. Some Japanese people are willing to accept these things by creating an original space like a school or a company. However, personally, I want more Japanese including people who don't have an access to them to be blessed with such a system if the new things are beneficial for them. I think one of the best way to realize this is a governmental work. I will be able to spread a good influence on whole of Japan if I succeed to make it. I'm not sure whether it's suit for me, so I want to consider it by attending a national high school conference or doing research about it. Today I have a class of contemporary social studies. Today's topic will be about a judical system. I want to absorb lots of things from the class and deepen my understand about government.


Secondly, I was lucky to have nothing to do about some task. I was going to call an study-abroad institute up to cancel my reservation of meeting because I have a supplementary class of modern Japanese. However, on second thought, I have the class from 15:40 to 16:45 and the meeting is at 17:00. The class must be finished at 16:45 to prevent from spreading COVID-19. So I decided not to call it up and attend a meeting. In fact, I have looked forward it since I may get a new information about studying in US. I'm in limbo as I have no plece specializing studying in a foreign college to rely on. I want to get a solid English skill and solid dream by next April.


Also I sent a message to other book comitee members in the morning. The new sift system will be used from today. I want to make sure of doing well after school tomorrow. 

The current English homework must be finished today. I will do it after today's meeting. Moreover, I have to prepare for a classic Chinese mini test. I want to finish it one by one.


Today's song:【歌ってみた】レゾンデートル頂戴【38番】 - ニコニコ動画 (

I like an animation movie of Flipnote using this song.

See you later!