Rugby Park Academy English Class - Season 1, Week 10 Report

11−14 years old - 18:00-19:30


Main Theme: Kick

Marker Agility

Kick Pass (Punt)



4 on 4 (Reducing DF) Kick Start



'Useful Words' - 有用な言葉 - this week included:

Drop Kick - ドロップ

Grubber - グラバー

Punt - パント

Up & Under - ハイパント

Ankle - あしくび

Ground - じめん

Carefully - たいせつ

Drop the ball carefully - たいせつにボールをおとす


14-18 years old - 19:30-21:00


Main Theme: Kick & Spin pass

4 on 4 (Reducing DF) Kick Start

Kick Pass (Punt)

4 on 4 (Reducing DF) Kick Start


4 on 4 (Reducing DF) Kick Start (Grubber)

Spin Pass

Hold Touch


As this was the last class of the first block of 10 weeks I wanted to plan fun sessions. The younger group particularly tend to enjoy kicking so I made that the theme.


I hope everyone enjoyed and learnt something from these first 10 sessions.


Students and parents have already been asking when the next run of classes will start, so it looks like we are in a good position to continue and build after the summer. I want to keep improving the classes and will do my best to think about how to move things forward and improve the overall experience.


On Wednesday 7th a nuber of the students from the older class joined a free event run by coaches visiting from New Zealand and then joined the Japanese Rugby Park Academy class for 30 minutes of touch rugby. Their participation was greatly appreciated. 


There are some photos of that session here:


And further information for anyone interested in the full 3 day camp they will run in July here: