Rugby Park Academy English Class - Season 1, Week 7 Report


11−14 years old - 18:00-19:30


Pass Races & Kick Pass Races


Individual Ball Handling

'5 in Line' 3 on 2

Continuous 3 on 2



'Useful Words' - 有用な言葉 - this week included:


Fingers - ゆび

Finger tips - ゆびさき

Spread - ひろがる

Competition - きょうそう

As many as you can - できるだけたくさん

Scan/Look for - さがす

Space - スペース


15-18 years old - 19:30-21:00

 Pass Races

Stretch (player led)

Individual Ball Handling

 '5 in Line' 3 on 2

 Continuous 3 on 2

Number 2 on 1 for points

3 on 3 Touch


I injured my backk in the morning and so Coach Leo came along to support me. It was strange for me to be the main coach with Leo san supporting me after so many sessions where I have been a support coach for him! It was great to have him there though, bith for me to help demonstrate and communicate, and for the kids (particularly the 14-18 years class) to have him join in some of the training.


 I tried to plan quite a simple session due to being injured, but I think we were due for some more focus on handling anyway.


The pass and kick pass races were very simple for the 11-14 class. In the 14-18 year class I added some 'regressions', isolating the wrist and fingers first, then adding the use of the arm for one-arm punch passes. These work OK in a race scenario as long as the players are really strict with the form and don't cheat as they start trying to rush.


The individual ball handling skill are something that we could do with much more opportunity to work on. As it is the class is just once a week. I hope some of the players consider finding time to do these sort of things themselves, outside of the class.


The 3 on 2 drill starting from 5 in line as new, but its simple enough to get into quickly. I'd probably ue it again. The 'Continuous 3 on 2' is really good for fitness and buidling up abilities in bot attck and defence under a bit of fatigue.