Rugby Park Academy English Class - Season 1, Week 5 Report


Thursday April 27th 2017

11−14 years old - 18:00-19:30 



  • Warm Up - 'Number 2 on 1'
  • Stretch
  • 'Number 2 on 2'
  • 'Unders' & 'Overs' Intro
  • 'Unders' & 'Overs' Progression
  • Touch

'Useful Words' - 有用な言葉 - this week included:

  • Inside - なか
  • Outside - そと
  • Unders - カットイン
  • Overs - カットアウト
  • Alignment - せいれつ
  • Straighten - まっすぐにする
  • Depth - ふかさ

15-18 years old - 19:30-21:00


  • Warm Up - 'Unders' & 'Overs' intro drill. 


  • 'Unders' & 'Overs' Progression
    Progressed to 'Active' DF

  • '3 Man Unders' Intro

  • Touch

I think many of the younger class have been introduced to 'Unders' and 'Overs' lines in the past (they tend to know them as 'cut in' and 'cut out' by the terms used in Japanese) and most of those who didn't know them could build some grasp of them as the class progressed. The ball carrier judging the timing and weight of the pass is as much a key element as the running line and timing of the support runner. This was a bit more difficult (for players in both groups).


The unders/overs progression drill took a while for both groups to get a sense of. It would be worth repeating and have them build familiarity with it so that more of the skills themselves (rather than how to run the drill) is learnt.


I introduced the '3 Man Unders' to the older group, as much as an opportunity to get them thinking about the benefits that certain attck patterns can allow as anything.

This pattern offers lots of options and decision making opportunity to the ball player. It also encourages defensive players to turn/move toward the inside and can be a way of creating space wider.