Rugby Park Academy English Class - Season 1, Week 3 Report

Thursday April 20th 2017

11−14 years old - 18:00-19:30 

15−18 years old - 19:30-21:00 


Main Theme: Front on Tackle 


Warm Up

'Marker Agility'




Tackle 1 - Stance & Lead Foot 1

Intro'd 'Stance' then have them to Fast Feet to Step In (Hand & Shoulder onto cont. with ball carrier).


Wrestle 1

Hold hands & try to lift a leg, 15 sec, then change


Tackle 2 -Shoulder On and 'Punch' Arms through


Wrestle 2

Back 2 Back, sitting on ground, try to get own right shoulder to ground

Face to Face, kneeling up, right shoulder to ground (Doesn't work that well)

15 sec, then change


Tackle 3 - After 'Punch', Squeeze & Drive

With Tackle Shields instead of Ball Carrier


Wrestle 3 

Push Up Position, face each other, try to drag partner down by taking out an arm

15 sec, then change

Asked them to go for wrist/forearm area, not elbow. Don't want to risk anyone hyper-extending an elbow joint!



4 on 4 Reaction 

4 on 4 Reaction with kicking (try lines brought forward)

4 on 4 Wide


I've decided to try introducing a few 'useful words' - 有用な言葉 - for the younger class from this week.


So today's words were:

shoulder - 肩

knee - 膝

elbow - 肘

foot - 足

 lead foot -リードフット

strong - 強い

stance - 体勢


"see it" - 見る

"hit it" - 打つ

"squeeze it" - 絞る

"drive it" - 前進


I tried alternating the technical tackle drill stuff with fun wrestling games. This worked well to keep good pacing through the session and sustain attention. The periods where I was introducing technique and the students were practicing technical points did not go on too for long.