うごくメモ帳に「495 forbidden」を投稿 | RTcompanyのブログ



495 forbiddenサムネ
495 forbidden情報

「495 forbidden」


アルバム:暁 -DAWN-

英訳参照 : https://kafkafuura.wordpress.com/2010/08/24/495-forbidden/



夢ニ見タ 紅イ月 捕マエテミタイノ
翼ヲ広ゲサセテ チャント飛ベルンダカラ
(In a dream I saw a scarlet moon – I want to catch it!
When I spread my wings I can really fly you know?)

曖昧ナ世界デモ 愉シイコトハアルワ
アタシト内緒ノ遊ビ voidナ 囁キ
(Even in a vague world like this, there’s plenty of ways to have fun
So play in secret with me, where whispers are void)

ループナ部屋ニ居タカラ 静カハ ツマラナイ!!
アタシニ早クカケテ キモチイイ ディストーション
(Since I stay in a room that’s like a loop, the silence is so boring!!!
So quickly come to me! It’ll feel good! The distortion!!)

コッチヘ オイデヨ ネエ、 早ク遊ビマショ
(Come here, Come on~ Let’s play now~!
I hate this boredom!!)

楽シメタナラ 御褒美ニ シテアゲル
アナタノ ダイジナトコ き ゅ っ と
(If you make me happy I’ll give you a reward!
I’ll s q u e e z e your precious part!)

闇ノ中ニ 埋モレテ ズット夢ヲ見テイタノ
イツカ コウシテフタリ アナタト笑ウノヲ
(Buried deep down in this darkness, I’ve been dreaming for forever
That one day, like this together, I’d be able to laugh with you)

トキドキ 何カ いっこ 床ニ 零レテ散ッタケド
ドチラカ消エルマデ 朝マデ遊ビマショ
(My heart’s beating fast – one’s spilled all over the floor, but
Until one of us has completely gone, Let’s play until morning!)

消エチャウ秘密遊ビ voidナ 囁キ
(In time distorted, warped into a loop, I see a sign, “In moderation”
Now what does that mean~?
My secret play is disappearing into void whispers…)

夢ニ見タ 紅イ月 捕マエテミタイノ
翼ヲ広ゲサセテ チャント飛ベルンダカラ
(In a dream I saw a scarlet moon – I want to catch it!
When I spread my wings I can really fly you know?)

何ヲシテルノ ネエ、早ク遊ビマショ
動カナイ闇ハ 飽キタノ!!
(What are you doing? Come on~ Let’s play now!
I’m bored of this darkness that never leaves!)

ツマラナイナラ キットマタ 寂シクナル
アナタヲ 握リシメル き ゅ っ と
(When it gets boring, I’m sure I’ll get lonely again
I’ll squeeze you t i g h t l y.)

アタシヲ連レテ行ッテ アナタノ好キナ トコロマデ
月ノ紅イシズク 躯ジュウニ浴ビテ
(So take me there! Take me to your favorite place!
There the moon drips scarlet, bathing in ten corpses~)

内緒の遊ビ いっこ 教エテアゲルワ…ソノカワリ
ドチラカ消エルマデ 朝マデ遊ビマショ
(I’ll teach you one of my secret games, but in return
Until one of us completely disappears, let’s play until morning!)


闇ノ中ニ 埋モレテ ズット夢ヲ見テイタノ
イツカ コウシテフタリ アナタト笑ウノヲ
(Buried deep down in this darkness, I’ve been dreaming for forever
That one day, like this together, I’d be able to laugh with you)

トキドキ 何カ いっこ 床ニ 零レテ散ッタケド
ドチラカ消エルマデ 朝マデ遊ビマショ
(My heart’s beating fast – one’s spilled all over the floor, but
Until one of us has completely gone, Let’s play until morning!)

YoU CaN’T CoNTiNuE….