Today's technology has improved to the point where testing on an astonishingly varied spectrum of human body samples is possible. Lab tests are a common medical practice that can provide health information about a patient. There are several kinds of lab tests; some focus on specific organs or biological systems, while others examine for the presence or absence of certain molecules. Some tests simply measure the concentration of chemicals in physiological fluids or tissues. To get your samples collected in the privacy and comfort of your home, type “sample collection at home” in Google search bar today.

Some samples can be collected as the body removes them spontaneously. Others are easier to get since they live in the body's orifices. Minor surgery and anesthesia may provide access to the needed sample for certain patients.

There are many types of tests that can be done on different types of samples, depending on the purpose of the test. For example, a blood glucose test is used to help diagnose diabetes, while a urine glucose test is used to figure out if someone has a urinary tract infection. Sometimes there are different options for the type of sample that can be taken, depending on the test being performed. For example, with HIV antibody testing there are blood, urine, and oral fluid options available. Sometimes there are different ways to get a sample tested, such as with HIV antibody tests (blood, urine, and oral fluid screening tests are available), and in other cases, one particular kind of sample is needed, and no other will do.

Among the most common types of lab tests are:

1.      Examinations of organ function (Examples: BUN, bilirubin, creatinine)

2.      Screening examinations (Examples: complete blood count, pap smear, urinalysis)

3.      Tests for infectious diseases (Examples: flu, strep throat, mononucleosis)

4.      Tests for sexually transmitted infections (Examples: chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV)

5.      Cancer and tumour marker testing (Examples: CA 125, PSA, AFP, CEA)

6.      Anti-inflammatory and anti-autoimmune testing (Examples: ANA, CRP, RF)

7.      Tests for nutrient and vitamin levels (Examples: calcium, magnesium, B12, vitamin D)

8.      Tests for hormone levels (Examples: cortisol, testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone)

9.      Tests for cholesterol levels (Examples: HDL, LDL, triglycerides)

Doctors often recommend tests like Pap smears and full blood counts during yearly physical checkups. These tests help keep an accurate picture of your health over time.

Some tests are done when a person has certain symptoms to see if they have a certain disorder or illness. For example, STI testing, infectious illness tests, and autoimmune tests are all types of tests that are done.

Laboratory testing can help doctors and patients track the effectiveness of treatments and find out if a cancer is growing or getting worse. For example, tumor marker tests may be ordered to see how well a cancer patient is responding to treatment.


Some samples, such as urine, faeces, and sputum, can be obtained since the body removes them naturally, whereas the patient can collect semen by themselves. Collecting samples from people is usually safe and simple, but it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable at times since it involves the removal of physiological wastes and involves body regions and functions that individuals like to keep private. This is why some people are more comfortable collecting these samples in the comfort of their home rather than at the clinic. These samples are advised to be collected in sterile environments after thorough cleaning and by following given instructions. 

Some examples of naturally expelled samples

1.      Urine

2.      Sputum

3.      Semen

4.      Saliva

5.      Oral fluid

6.      Sweat


Preparing tissue specimens for histological evaluation involves care, competence, and good protocols from the patient to the pathologist. Patients should use correct procedures and easy methods to avoid typical mistakes while obtaining external tissue samples. To prevent harm to the specimen caused by crushing or tearing, tissue is removed carefully and collected without damage to the sample. Some samples are taken simply by wiping the afflicted region with a swab. Throat, nasal, vaginal, and superficial wound cultures are collected in this manner, for example. Samples of vaginal secretions are obtained by running a cotton swab over the walls of the vagina; cervical cells for a Pap test are obtained using a cotton swab and spatula or a tiny brush. Endometrial tissue samples are obtained by inserting a thin, flexible, hollow tube into the uterus, during which you may feel a slight pinch or brief cramping. 

1.      Skin biopsy

2.      Hair

3.      Fingernails

4.      Secretions from female reproductive system.

5.      Wounds and sores swabs

6.      Nasal or throat swabs


Some samples can only be retrieved by piercing the body's protective layers (e.g., skin). Blood samples are collected via minimally invasive methods performed by properly trained physicians, nurses, or medical professionals. Tissue specimen collection is a more complicated technique that may necessitate the use of a local anaesthetic.

Because of the nature of these collecting procedures, there may be some pain or discomfort associated. Knowing what the technique entails may help lessen some of the anxiety associated with these sorts of sample collections.

1.      Blood

2.      Cerebrospinal fluid

3.      Needle biopsy

4.      Organ biopsy

5.      Bone marrow

6.      Amniotic Fluid

For others, spending a lot of time in a lab or hospital seems like a terrifying prospect. Travel-related stress can sometimes increase the risk of sickness and delay recovery. Travel-related stress can sometimes increase the risk of sickness and delay recovery. As a result, many people are reluctant to undergo preventative health screenings and lab testing. At the Apollo Clinic in Guwahati, we constantly strive to put our patients' health first. We will not allow anything stand in the way of our patients' health. You might be hesitant to go to the doctor due to some issue, to have your symptoms checked out by a professional, for more information, type “sample collection at home” in Google search bar today.