
Because you forgot your umbrella, with worried face (you say)
Was I imprudent, that I didn't take it?
City sent me its courage
The Love song that flows in the corner
I sing to myself, so that you couldn't hear it

You said "I give up"
The time has come, when it's hard to live
City says such things
But I don't have you for myself

If you cry somewhere in the corner
Let's depart on a flight on wings grown from my back
Let's talk about the corner of the world where we live,
Deceiving, laughing, being hurt

The spring of our meeting in blooming cherry trees
Summer, when you thought of the Milky Way
Autumn, in which wind strokes your hair
Winter melting boisterously noisy snow and my feelings

You said "It's somehow beautiful"
The time has come, when it's hard to live
City says such things
But it doesn't matter, as long as you're not here I'm hopeless

If you cry somewhere in the corner
I'd become a joking clown
I thought of trifling everyday like of important thing
If I'll be with you, this time won't be that bad

If it doesn't stop raining somewhere in the corner
I seem to be hated by anger in the skies
I thought of trifling everyday like of important thing
I love you, I'm sorry I didn't tell you that honestly

The story of trifling us
Living the corner of the world where we
Deceive, laugh and are hurt