WATERMAN ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA manufactures Rotary Kiln Incinerators. Rotary Kiln Incinerators

In the kiln, temperatures typically range between 850 and 1300 degrees Celsius. The slow rotation of the drum allows for a 30-90-minute residence duration. In the Kiln, solid sludge containerized, or pumpable waste is introduced at the inclined drum’s upper end.

The oxidation of combustion gases is finalized in the second combustion chamber after the kiln. Liquid wastes and auxiliary fuels can be injected alongside secondary air to maintain a minimum residence duration of two seconds and temperatures between 900 and 1300 degrees Celsius, thereby removing the leftover remaining organic matters.

Every Industry may be different surely, but have one thing in common, that is waste.

Disposing waste effectively for industries is a shared challenge. Industrial waste varies in many ways like in size, content, and calorific value. Disposal methods vary with the type of wastes to be disposed of for their safe and secure disposal.

Incineration is the most cost-effective and promising way to dispose of your industrial waste. for more details, ROTARY KILN INCINERATOR MANUFACTURER.