サム& リチャード /Sum & Richard

サム& リチャード /Sum & Richard




日本語→ https://amba.to/3vFPOjc 

English → https://amba.to/3gHXIEu






如果你想知道文化差異是如何影響我們的生活以及我們的性格變化,請觀看今天的影片 →



日本語版 Japanese Ver. →https://amba.to/3vFPOjc
中国語版 Chinese Ver. →https://amba.to/35EjaUh


How are you doing? 


While editing the new video, as I (Richard) told you on the blog the day before yesterday, we had a little fight, but we had already made up before the video was released.  Some people may think it's so surprising that we can amend the relationship so fast, but actually, it used to take us a long time to make up with each other after we argued before.


We fight over cultural differences, but strangely, I think our personalities are getting more and more similar.  As expected, every fight seems to harmonize our personalities like a chemical reaction.   Compared to when we first started dating, I feel like we're already different people.  I really don't like fighting, but you might want to take it positively as an inevitable path for any couples from different backgrounds.


If you're curious about how we've been influenced and changed by each other due to cultural differences, please watch today's video.  Remember to like, subscribe, comment and share to help us stay motivated in making more videos for you.  Thanks so much!




英語版 English Ver. → https://amba.to/3gHXIEu
中国語版 Chinese Ver. →https://amba.to/35EjaUh









日本語版 Japanese Ver.→ https://amba.to/3vFPOjc


語版 English Ver.→https://amba.to/3gHXIEu



 你的幸福就是我的幸福。昨天和你談完,我一直在思考。 我一直都知道一件事,只是昨天我再次確認你和我在一起的時候,你壓力很大,我討厭自己讓你不開心。

 我們都沒有錯,只是我們的想法完全不同,你說你不想做我們的YouTube頻道了(*),你沒錯。 但,我也不認爲我想繼續做我們的頻道是錯的。 我希望能爲你改變我自己的想法,我嘗試過了,很可惜我無法改變自己。 (*注: 薩姆因爲工作太忙不想做YouTube了。)

 除了文化差異之外,你我想法差異實在很大(注*:薩姆是日本人,理查是臺灣人)。 我們在一起,卻一直壓力重重,説穿了,就是因爲我們的想法差異太大。 我不想折磨你,但我討厭我自己,因爲我不知不覺就讓你受苦了:我一直在努力做YouTube,這反而讓你倍感壓力…… 我知道你為沒有努力做YouTube感到內疚。 我不能原諒自己,因爲我不想看到你不快樂。


你說你想成爲YouTurber 所以我全力支持你 即使YouTube只是我們的興趣,我也一直全力以赴。

 當你說"我不再像以前那樣對YouTube熱衷了,"我覺得你否定了我們所有的記憶、夢想、我對你的支持,以及我們的愛。 我深深覺得你和我身處不同的世界,不再有共同的夢想。

 當我的夢想不再是你的夢想的時候,我的夢想就破碎了。我們的YouTube頻道之所以存在,那是因爲我們一起努力。 沒有你,我們的YouTube頻道就不成立,我的夢想就會破滅,而我只能沮喪。

  我不想分手,但分不分手,取決於你怎麼想。我猜在聽完我上面說的話後,你是想和我分手的。 沒問題,因爲世界上有很多比我更好的人,如果你跟別人在一起,尤其是與日本人在一起,你也許會過得更快樂,更沒有壓力。 如果你不開心,我也不開心… 如果你想和我分手,請告訴我。我會認爲是我的錯,不是你的錯。期待你的回信。

- - - - 

  薩姆讀完我的信後,我們深談了一次。 他(薩姆)向我(理查)道歉並承諾繼續做我們的YouTube頻道。 如果你看了上面的文章時為我們感到擔心,我們真的很抱歉! 把我們的爭吵攤在陽光下是一件很丟臉的事,但是既然我們做了社交媒體,就應該坦誠讓大家知道我們的事。

 薩姆和我來自不同的文化,所以我們有不同的思維模式。 當我們試圖溝通時,有時會吵架。 薩姆也因此一直迴避與我溝通。日本文化中有「讀空氣」這個觀念,意思是「觀察別人,猜別人怎麼想」的,所以薩姆覺得沒有必要溝通。 但是,當我問他下面的問題後,他突然恍然大悟,意識到和我溝通的重要性:


當然不知道,如果他沒讀我的信,他不會明白我對他的真實感受。 我不知道從現在起我們的YouTube頻道會怎麼樣,但目前我只能忠實地記錄我們的生活,與大家分享,如果你有興趣繼續知道我們的過去,現在和未來,請到我們的YouTube頻道"按讚、訂閱、分享、留言",謝謝!







日本語版 Japanese Ver.→ https://amba.to/3vFPOjc
中文版 Chinese Ver.→ https://amba.to/35EjaUh


Dear Sum:

 Your happiness is my happiness. I've been thinking a lot since I talked to you yesterday. I've always known it, and all I reconfirmed yesterday was that you've been feeling stressed when you are with me. I hate myself for making you unhappy.

  We are both correct. Neither of us is wrong. Again, we just think so differently. You are right when you say you want to quit doing our YouTube channel*. Meanwhile, I don't think I'm wrong just because I want to continue with our channel. I wish I could change myself for you, but I'm sorry that I couldn't change myself even though I've tried. (*Note: Sum wanted to quit YouTube because he was too busy with work.)

 There are so many differences in thinking between you and me in addition to all those cultural differences (Note*: Sum is Japanese and Richard is Taiwanese). We've been stressed out about each other because we always think differently. I don't want to torment you, but I hate myself for making you suffer without knowing it: I've been trying so hard making YouTube videos, which has in turn made you feel so stressed... I know you feel guilty for not putting efforts in making YouTube videos. I can't forgive myself for being like this because the last thing I want to do is to see you being unhappy.

We've had lots of memories with our YouTube Channel:
It was your dream.
It is now mine.

 You said you wanted to be a YouTuber, so I've done my best to support you. I have worked so hard even if it is a hobby.

 When you said negative things like, "I'm not as motivated as I used to be anymore in doing YouTube," I felt you denied all our memories, my dream, my support for you, and our love. Unfortunately, I strongly feel that you and I are actually in different worlds and don't have the same dream anymore.

 As soon as my dream is no longer yours, my dream shatters apart. Our YouTube channel exists when we do it together. When you don't want to continue with our YouTube channel, my dream breaks down, and I feel frustrated.

  I don't want to break up, but it depends on how you think. I guess you want to break up with me after hearing all that I said above. That's fine because there are many people better than me in the world, and if you were with someone else, especially a Japanese, you might live happier without any stress. If you are not happy, I'm not happy, either… If you want to break up with me, feel free to tell me. I'll think it's my fault, not yours. Looking forward to your reply.


- - - - 

  After Sam read this letter from me, we had a talk. Sum apologized and promised to continue with our YouTube channel. If you felt worried about us while reading what's written above, we are really sorry! We feel embarrassed letting you know about our quarrel, but since we're on the social media, we decided to tell you everything about us honestly.

 Again, we are from different cultures, so we have different ways of thinking. When we try to communicate, we sometimes fight. That's why Sum has always avoided communicating with me (Richard.) Sum thought communication was unnecessary because there was such a concept of "reading the atmosphere" in Japanese culture-- which means "trying to guess what others think by observing people." But, after I asked Sum the following question, he suddenly realized the importance of communicating with me verbally:


"Didn't you know how I felt about you before reading my letter?"


Of course, he wouldn't have understood how I truly felt about him if he hadn't read my letter. I don't know what will happen to our YouTube channel from now on, but for now, all I can do is to record our life faithfully and share it with you, so if you are interested, we would appreciate it if you could "like, subscribe, share, and comment" on our YouTube channel. That's how you can help us stay motivated in making videos for you to watch! Thank you so much!

Our YouTube channel →