[Journal Challenge: Day 17] "My bucket list" 5/5/2020.

5/7/2020 corrected by a native teacher


I put “Visiting Costa Rica” on my bucket list 13 years ago.

I love nature things especially plants and birds.

I believe nature can heal my body and soul.

My son and his wife had stayed there.

They said there was nothing but full of natureIt was full of nature.

A few years later when I stayed at the BB Inn New York,

I met a French guy who came to New York after several days stay in Costa Rica.

He showed me some pictures of the country

and told me excitedly how wonderful the country it is.

Last Christmas season in 2019 my son’s family visited there.

They said it was a tremendous and wonderful world.

My grandsons want to stay there again and again.


Costa Rica is in Central America with a thin overpass

that connects the continents of North and South America.

Despite like the small land area of Japan’s Kyushu and Shikoku.

Nearly 5% of the Earth’s species live there.

Costa Rica is the country with the highest biodiversity per unit area on the planet.

There are plenty of beautiful creatures that are stunning

such as Quetzal, which is said to be the most beautiful bird in the world,

hummingbirds that shine in 7colors,

platinum-colored scarabs.



単位面積当たりの生物多様性が 地球上で最も高い国です。



プラチナ色のコガネムシなど 目を見張るような美しい生き物がたくさんいます。








I have one more thing on my bucket list.

That’s to read “ East of Eden” in English.

I love John Steinbeck’s books.

I can start reading it right now.