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$PDF$/READ/  ZWEIHANDER Grim & Perilous RPG: Character Folio | Record your character's grim & perilous for ZWEIHANDER RPG Begin your journey by using a permanent marker to write your character's name on the front cover of the Character Folio.       Record your character's grim & perilous for ZWEIHANDER RPG Within this 24-page softcover book, you will find an updated character sheet, using a Mad Libs-styled approach to quickly record their background.       Record your character's grim & perilous for ZWEIHANDER RPG It includes ample space and breadth to record your character's exploits over the course of a full length campaign.       Record your character's grim & perilous for ZWEIHANDER RPG Get the Zweihander RPG: Character Folio today, as your character's grim & perilous tale hangs in the balance!                               Endless options, endless grim & perilous adventure The Character Folio includes a record of every weapon, armor and shield across the entire ZWEIHANDER RPG game line. Tables for vehicle combat, casting magick and Chaos 