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ビアーズ・フォー・ブックスでハロウィーンパーティーを開催します!特別ゲストとして、RoomtoReadの女子奨学支援プログラムのグローバルディレクターEmily Leysが参加します。当日はぜひ仮装していらしてください!




日時: 10月31日(水) 19:00 ~ 22:00
場所: Biervana http://www.biervana.com/ja
住所: 東京都千代田区永田町2-13-10 プルデンシャルタワー1F
詳細: http://www.beersforbooks.org/events/beers-for-books-halloween


Join Beers for Books!
Please join us in welcoming special guest Emily Leys, Global Director of Room to Read’s Girls’ Education Program, in a Halloween spooktacular to scare away childhood illiteracy worldwide.

We encourage you to come dressed up as your favorite literary character and enjoy a fun night of education, fundraising and B4B mirth making at Biervana, our long-term Beers for Books supporter.

There is no cost to join the event but we’ll have a 1000 yen suggested donation at the door which gets you three raffle tickets for the raffle prize drawing and your donation will fund 20 books for kids thanks to a generous matching donation from Better World Books as part of Booktober 2012.

For more information and to RSVP, please see the Facebook page here:

Date & Time: October 31 Wednesday 7pm to 10pm
Location: Biervana http://www.biervana.com/
Address:Prudential Tower 1F , 2-13-10 Nagatacho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo