On the 4th of this July, when people in America were celebrating Independence Day nationwide, war broke out in Tokyo, Japan though it's just a tiny 'war' between my immediate superior (a Catholic) and me (an evangelical Christian Zionist). We freely exchanged ideas about the topic dealt with in my last entry and my superior told me that it would be wrong of me to leave Japan to avoid the risk of being killed in the disaster predicted to occur early next July.

    'Isn't he a child of Satan?' I wondered.

    Do you think that I've surrendered to my enemy? Of course not.

    A year ago he was baptized a Catholic, knowing that Adolf Hitler was one, and he has since taken every opportunity to try to persuade me to join him. How could I - an evangelical Christian Zionist - become a Catholic? The sun would rise in the west if I became one. I'm 100% sure that I'll never surrender to him. If he doesn't stop trying to persuade me not to fly to Germany early next July, then I'll just tell him that what he's doing is both unconstitutional and illegal. Doesn't he know that he's violating Articles 19&22 of the Constitution of Japan and Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? I just can't believe that an unenlightened man like him still exists in Japan. It's so disappointing.

    From now onwards I shall never listen to him, concentrating on doing everything possible to realize my mission in life. My mission? What's that? Why ask? It's taking every opportunity to do anything possible to bless Israel and the Jewish people! Why is it so important? Because God definitely says no to anti-Semitism. Do you doubt it? Then refer to Genesis 12:3 and check out Rom's List.