Late this morning, at my workplace in Tokyo, I had a rare opportunity to have a conversation for about a whole hour with Mr. K.F., who is one of my coworkers and a onetime SDF officer who also taught at military school in Japan. He was a very communicative military expert and our topics quite naturally touched current international affairs.

I took this opportunity to introduce myself as a full member of the Japan-Israel Friendship Association and tell him a little about the validity of Genesis 12:3, mentioning the Russo-Japanese War, Hideki Tojo, Kiichiro Higuchi and others. I thought it would be presumptuous of me to make any suggestions to this retired SDF officer, but I couldn't help telling him that it would be better for the SDF to know the futility of anti-Semitism and stand with Israel and the Jewish people for the benefit not only of the Jewish people but also of the Japanese people. His reaction seemed neither positive nor negative, but I hope my words have had some positive effect upon him.