'Will the horrible prediction become a reality?' is the title of my blog. Most people in Japan would only laugh and do nothing about it. My answer to this question is 'How could I know?', but the difference between them and me is that I'm making preparations for survival just in case. If the prediction didn't become a reality, I would lose nothing because I'd just return home after enjoying my stay in Germany; but if the prediction became a reality, why should I not thank God for having saved me from the catastrophe? Irrespective of the outcome of the prediction, I wouldn't lose my life whilst on the other hand - if it became a reality - most people in Japan would regret not having made preparations for survival. Yeah, in terms of risk management, it's hedging that counts. What do you say?

Today at work I talked with my boss, a Catholic, a little about the prediction. 

    'It's OK,' he said to me, 'that you are planning to fly to Europe early next July, but what if the Europeans were at war with the Russians at the time?'

    'In that case,' said I, 'I'd have no choice but to cancel my plans and remain in Japan. We will all perish sooner or later. If it was God's will to end my life that way, what could I do to act against it? Man proposes, God disposes, you know.'

    That said, I strongly hope that war will never break out between NATO and Russia and I'll continue my preparations for flying to Germany.