I've just received the news that the Iranian president had been killed in a helicopter crash. What caused it to happen still seems to be unknown, but I don't think I need to know it because I firmly believe that it happened due to the fact that he had always been so anti-Semitic. Yeah, I believe that Genesis 12:3 has been applied to this case. Oh, how very dangerous it is to be anti-Semitic! And why don't they even try to understand it? As someone who studies history, I'm so aware of it that I'm 100% sure that I'll always try my best to avoid being anti-Semitic whilst taking every opportunity to do anything possible to bless Israel and the Jewish people. 

As far as I can see, 99% of the Japanese people are either indifferent or pro-Palestine and consequently I assume that the horrible prediction will become a reality, claiming 80 million lives. I really hate the idea of dying with them and so I have no choice but to make preparations for leaving Japan permanently. 

Germany is the country I'd like to move first to next July, so I'm learning German as eagerly as never before. Once I've successfully moved to Germany, I'd regularly go to church there and share with German people the list I share with some people of Jewish extraction. It will be for the benefit not only of the Jewish people but of the German people as well. Know the truth and you'll prosper!