About two months ago I wrote an email to His Excellency the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to Japan. Today I'd like to show you the email in which you will find the list mentioned in my last blog entry. 99% of the people here in Japan, where I was born, grew up and still live as a citizen, aren't Christians, so most of them would disagree with me, but so what? Roughly a third of the world population (about 2.6 billion people) are said to be Christians and I believe they are right to believe in God. I hope you will find something noteworthy in the list I shared with Mr. Gilad Cohen, the top diplomat from the Holy Land. If you succeeded in doing so, then you might even come to the conclusion that God does exist and therefore that Genesis 12:3 is valid.

Your Excellency,

How so gracious it is of you to have made it possible for me to have the greatest honour in my life to meet with you in person! I really don't know how to thank you enough for it. At least I sincerely hope that everything will always go very, very well with you....

Today I'm writing this to share with you my views on the validity of Genesis 12:3. You believe in Hashem, don't you, your Excellency? (I saw you wore a kippah at the Hanukkah party held at the Jewish Community of Japan last December.) As for me, Japanese as I am, I do too. But, as you may already know, most people here in Japan don't believe in Him and I'm sure few of them would listen to me. I believe, however, many - if not all - of the Christians not only in Japan but in the US and the UK would be very happy to agree with me.

Now the question to be asked is 'What on earth has made me so firmly believe in the validity of Genesis 12:3?' To answer this question, I'd like to list some historical events having to do with the following three major powers: Germany, Japan and Russia.

1. The Fettmilch Uprising (1612-1616), a case in which the Germans cursed the Jewish;

2. The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), a case in which the Germans were cursed because they had cursed the Jewish;

3. The Kiev pogrom (1881), a case in which the Russians cursed the Jewish;

4. The Kishinev pogrom (April 1903), same as above;

5. The Publication of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' (August-September 1903), same as above;

6. The Outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War (February 1904), a case in which the Russians were cursed because they had cursed the Jewish;

7. The Bloody Sunday (January 1905), same as above;

8. Japan's victory in the Russo-Japanese War (September 1905), a case in which the Russians were cursed because they had cursed the Jewish; also a case in which the Japanese were blessed because they had stood up against Czarist Russia, which had persecuted the Jewish people for centuries;

9. The Russian Revolution (1917), a case in which the Russians were cursed because they had cursed the Jewish;

10. The Collapse of the Romanov Dynasty (1917), same as above;

11. The Executions of the Imperial Family of Russia (1918); same as above;

12. Japan becoming one of the four members of the Council of the League of Nations (1919), a case in which the Japanese were blessed because at the Paris Peace Conference they insisted - though in vain - that racial discrimination be abolished to benefit themselves and the Jewish too;

13. The Occupation of Poland (1939-1945), a case in which the Germans and the Russians cursed the Jewish;

14. The Signing of the Tripartite Pact (1940), a case in which Japan cursed the Jewish by becoming friends with Nazi Germany;

15. The Holocaust (1941-1945), a case in which the Germans cursed the Jewish;

16. The Eastern Front of WWII (June 1941-May 1945), a case in which the Germans and the Russians were cursed because they had cursed the Jewish;

17. Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor (7 December 1941), a case in which the Japanese would be cursed because the United States, which I believe was substantially under Jewish control, would eventually destroy Japan completely;

18. The Fall of Nazi Germany (May 1945), a case in which the Germans were cursed because they had cursed the Jewish;

19. The Division of Germany (1945-1990), same as above;

20. Japan's Kamikaze Attacks (1944-1945), a case in which the Japanese were cursed because they cursed the United States, which was under Jewish control;

21. The Bombing of Tokyo (10 March 1945), same as above;

22. The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 1945), same as above;

23. The Fall of Imperial Japan (2 September 1945), same as above;

24. Hideki Tojo (1884-1948), a Japanese high-ranking army officer who became the prime minister several years after saying yes to one of his subordinates who blessed quite a number of Jewish refugees by helping them travel to safe places where they would not be persecuted as they were in Europe, he was prosecuted after WWII and then was sentenced to death because he was primarily responsible for the declaration of war on the United States, where a number of Jewish people lived;

25. Kiichiro Higuchi (1888-1970), a Japanese high-ranking army officer who blessed the Jewish refugees from Europe by helping them move to safer places and who was blessed after WWII because - thanks to the effort of the World Jewish Congress - he successfully avoided being prosecuted and lived to an old age;

26. The Construction of the Berlin Wall (1961-1989), a case in which the Germans were cursed because they had cursed the Jewish;

27. The Resignation of Kakuei Tanaka as Japan's prime minister (1974), a case in which the Japanese premier was cursed after saying no to Henry Kissinger, who as an aide to US President Richard Nixon had come to Japan to ask the Japanese leader to take sides with Israel, which was at war with the Arabs;

28. Germany and Japan as two of the world economic powers (2024), a case in which the two countries are blessed because the former apologized for the Holocaust and paid reparations for it and the latter made peace with the United States, which was - and is - under Jewish control.

Your Excellency, having seen the list above, what opinion do you have of the validity of Genesis 12:3? Of course it is possible to make a lot longer list to see a lot more related historical events, but isn't this one powerful enough for us believers in Hashem to conclude that Genesis 12:3 has always been valid since it was written three millennia ago and so will it be till the Coming of the Messiah? Atheists, terrorists and the likes who I believe are under satanic control would never agree that Genesis 12:3 is valid, but what's the use of wasting our time and energy trying to persuade them to stand with us when they are determined to stand with Satan and go to Hell?


Rom Kidder