Sell To Survive


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Sell To Survive


Amazon Business : For business-only pricing, quantity discounts and FREE Shipping. Register a free business account Hardcover: 244 pages Publisher: Card1 Publications; email download mp3 only edition (November 30, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 1607252511 ISBN-13: 978-1607252511 Package Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.6 x 0.9 inches Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

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Book Description

“Grant Cardone has taken a word that most people don't like, Selling, and made it one of the most appealing objectives of everyday living.“ Todd M. Duncan - New York Times Best Selling Author The ability to sell others is as critical to your success as food, water and oxygen is to life. While you may think that an exaggeration, every person on this planet is required to sell others on their ideas to advance themselves and their goals. The skill of selling is a MUST for promoting yourself, your business and your ideas. While many think that if they do a better job and work hard they will get raises and promotions. The facts prove otherwise though, as the only people that are getting promoted in life are those that are able to most successfully sell their ideas to others. It is said that the number one reason a business fails is a shortage of capital, but the reality is that business fails because of the inability to sell ideas, products and services to the public in quantities great enough to insure its success. While this book will be read by millions of career sales people it is written for those that do not consider themselves sales people but who want to achieve more success in their life. This book is about how to get more done in your life through selling and to show the reader how success is impossible without understanding the concepts of selling. You will be introduced to incredibly simple ways to sell any product or idea to anyone at any time. You will learn how to get others to “buy in “ and agree with your ideas and get behind you and help you. You will learn strategies that will insure you are successful in life and show you exactly how to get to where you want to go. You will know how to eliminate confrontation and end disagreements with just words and your attitude. You will be shown what the “greats“ do to be persuasive, the only reason people don't like sales, how to predict what others will do and say, how to build trust, how to separate yourself from the average, why your prospect gets weird around money, how to “hard sell“ without using pressure, the two single most important steps to success in sales and much much more. This is a fresh look at selling and how to use this forgotten art in a respectful, ethical way to get everything you want in life.

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