Retire Young Retire Rich: How to Get Rich Quickly and Stay Rich Forever! (Rich Dad's (Paperback))


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Retire Young Retire Rich: How to Get Rich Quickly and Stay Rich Forever! (Rich Dad's (Paperback))


Amazon Business : For business-only pricing, quantity discounts and FREE Shipping. Register a free business account Series: Rich Dad's (Paperback) Paperback: 368 pages Publisher: Plata Publishing; Reprint edition (July 31, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 1612680402 ISBN-13: 978-1612680408 Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 1 x 9.2 inches

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Book Description

If you don't plan on working hard all your life... this book is for you. If you're ready to retire (or want to retire early enough to enjoy your retirement years) you can learn from Robert's story of how he and his wife Kim started with nothing and 'retired'—financially free—in less than 10 years. This book makes the case for how a context shift in the way we think about money and investing allows us to see opportunities others miss and create the life you deserve.

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