夏真っ盛り | 全音楽譜出版社iioのブログ



夏真っ盛り! ご当地名物の元気が出る食べ物は?【めん類編】
日中の気温が体温を超えるような暑さが続く毎日……。外は暑いけれど、電車や建物内は冷房が強く効いていたりと、体温調節が難しい季節になりました。体調を無理なく良好に保つためには、美味しくて栄養のある料理を食すことは大切。そこで、地域に伝わる夏を元気に乗りきる (続きを読む)

It is fine weather today. Breakfast is even wooden clogs about the large serving of a beef bowl in Matsuya. After it watched television together with the dog.
From 9:00, DVD appreciation was carried out and it cried. Daytime was substituted for the rice ball of the convenience store. ,
After that, PS3 was played. Supper has a meal in a certain famous chain store. It has become late for it to be wakeful and to sleep.