出口調査 | 全音楽譜出版社iioのブログ



猪瀬知事支持63.7% 都議選出口調査
二十三日投開票された東京都議選の投票所で本紙が行った出口調査では、猪瀬直樹都知事を支持するかどうかを聞いた。支持は63・7%で、不支持の29・2%を大きく上回った。 ふだん支持する政党別では、自民党支持層の82%、民主党支持層の53・5%、公明党支持層 (続きを読む)

television last evening -- it was interesting. Frozen meat and vegetable dumplings were burned and eaten for breakfast. Next, food was raised to the bantam.
Since it was a day of the garbage which burns, it put into the bag and carried before the house today. It went to the library and borrows a book from 10:00. Since the belly was seldom in lunch as へ, it was made not to eat.
From 2:00, 2ch was carried out on the Internet. Supper dines out with a family in a neighboring chain store. It has become late for it to be wakeful and to sleep.