レコーディング with Laura Critchley | Robbie Williams マニア

Robbie Williams マニア

自称Robbie Williams Mania in Japan! Mr.エンターテイナー Robbie Williams好きの私。 日本やアメリカではいまいち人気のでないロビー。でも私は応援してるっ!

Laura Critchley(公式サイト ) という英国出身の歌手の女性が、ロビーのレコーディングに参加したと自身のMySpace(こちら )で好評したとのこと。

We finally got to Saturday which was the only day I’d put aside for doing some USA shopping so I arrived at the shopping mall and within minutes of me scouting around my first shop I receive a call from… Robbie Williams…


he knew I was in town and was calling to ask me if I’d like to record some vocals on his new album…I’m sorry girls but shopping had to come second on this instance!


So I recorded some of my vocals on three of his tracks that night (which were amazing by the way) and had a great Saturday night chilling with him and the guys from the Studio (and his gorgeous dogs!)


Recording for Rob was an amazing experience as he’s been an inspiration to me for a very long time…not that I still have my Take That posters up or anything! ( I just haven’t got round to decorating yet!)



recording 右がLaura Critchley。左なわけないですけどね。その右がスタジオマン?

オフィシャルサイト でもそのことは触れていて、8月の出来事のようですね。




そういえば、最近William Orbitにハマっています。彼がリミックスした曲を集めるのがたのしい。
