


オリジナルの詞  やなせたかしさん
英語訳      椿 由紀

そうだ!嬉しいんだ Yes we are always happy
生きる喜び     Be alive in this world
たとえ胸の傷が痛んでも No matter how much pain they give to your heart

何の為に生まれて Why were you born in this world?
何をして生きるのか How are you going to live your life?
答えられないなんて If you have no answers until the end,
そんなのは嫌だ! You're still happy? - No, we aren't!!

今を生きることで We have to cherish this moment
熱いこころ燃える Give your passion to face the day
だから君は行くんだ Yes you will get over anything
微笑んで With a beaming smile

そうだ!嬉しいんだ Yes we are always happy
生きる喜び     Be alive in this world
たとえ胸の傷が痛んでも No matter how much pain they bring to your heart

嗚呼アンパンマン優しい君は Ah, ah, Anpanman, You are a kind hero
行け!皆の夢守る為   Let's go! You can make our dreams come true

何が君の幸せ   What is your true happiness?
何をして喜ぶ   What can make you smile and laugh?
解らないまま終わる If you have no answers until the end,
そんなのは嫌だ! You're still happy? - No, we aren't!!

忘れないで夢を Remember beautiful memories
零さないで涙       Cry the tears of happiness
だから君は飛ぶんだ何処までも You can fly anywhere freely to the never-ending sky

そうだ!恐れないで Yes you can!! Don't be afraid
みんなの為に     You are a kind hero
愛と勇気だけが友達さ Brave heart, love will make you everybody's friend

嗚呼アンパンマン優しい君は Ah, ah, Anpanman, You are a kind hero
行け!皆の夢守る為   Let's go! You can make our dreams come true

時は早く過ぎる       Time flies like a shooting star
光る星は消える       Bright stars lose its shiny light
だから君は行くんだ微笑んで You can fly anywhere freely With a beaming smile

そうだ!嬉しいんだ Yes we are always happy
生きる喜び     Be alive in this world
たとえどんな敵が相手でも No matter who will hurt you, keep your smiling face

嗚呼アンパンマン優しい君は Ah, ah, Anpanman, You are a kind hero
行け!皆の夢守る為   Let's go! You can make our dreams come true