










I think 〜.

I have two reasons to support my opinion.

The first reason is that 〜.

The second reason is that 〜.

For these reasons, I think 〜.




1.Do companies treat both genders equally?

childbirth / productivity/ quit / salary 

2.Should Japan invite casinos?

economy / public security / addiction / entertainment 

3.Is university education useful for employment in the future?

specialty / academic background / freedom / graduation 

4.Will you donate your organs if you are in brain dead?

organ transplant / the right / cost / a donor card

5.Should schools in Japan start in September?

covid-19 / schools abroad / entrance exams / employment 

6.Will World War Ⅲ happen?

nuclear weapons / biological weapons / natural resources / repeat

7.Should the government cut consumption taxes?

economy / willing to buy / other taxes / burden 

8.Should pets be killed when they are abandoned?

dangerous / selfish / cost / the importance of life

9.Should the government allow us to eat more genetically modified food?

cancer / pesticide / productivity / import 

10. What should we do for an aging society?

labor force / the declining birth rate /medical care / traffic accident 

11. Some people say mercy killing is nothing but murder. What do you think about that?

animal / right / serious illness / family

12. The racial discrimination should be acceptable?

right / equality / KKK / people of color 

13.Do you believe all things that mass media says?

distort / conceal / authority / judge 

14. Do you think that animal testing should be allowed ?

human beings / develop new medicine / life / cosmetics

15. Do you think that it’ll be hard for us to get a job because of AI ?

productivity / automation / aging society / specialized skill 

16.In some countries citizens elect their president directly by vote.  Do you agree with this system?

prime minister / cabinet / political party / right 

17. The number of students who refuse to go to school is increasing. What do you think about that?

bullying / communication / social media / compulsory education 

18. Do you think that self-driving cars are good?

accident / elderly people / responsibility / distracted driving 

19. Some companies make people get a COVID-19 vaccine. Is it a good idea?

side effects / choice / immune / health care workers 

20. Is it better for you to take care of elderly people in your family at home than in the nursing home?

cost / working hours / leisure time / family ties

21. Should the government increase the number of non-regular employees?

working conditions / regular employment / willingness to work / labor cost 

22. Do you agree that couples have different surnames ?
gender equality / family line / tradition / workplace 

23. Should drunk driving be punished more severely? 

ability to judge / traffic accidents  / sober / 
driver’s license 

24. Do you agree that Tokyo Olympics should be held without an audience ?

COVID-19 / cheering / motivation /  
economic effect

25. Should same-sex marriage be recognized?

law / discrimination / LGBT / inheritance 

26. How can we reduce the number of young carers?

a family budget / school / support / care for 

27.Should junior high schools use absolute evaluation or relative evaluation ?

compare / motivation / entrance exams / difference 

28.Should the elderly people return their drivers license?

traffic accident / inconvenience / reflexes / aging society 

29.Should the news report incidents using a real name even if the criminal is not an adult?

reform / find work / victim / a sense of guilt 

30.Do you agree with introducing Universal Basic Income?

wealth and poverty / motivation / job / equality 

31. We may not have enough food to eat in the future.  Do you agree with the idea that we eat insects ?

nutrition / starvation / war / cost 

32. Do you think that using Chat GPT should be restricted ? 

accuracy / personal information / natural / security 

33. Do you think artificial meat will be common  in the future ?

cost / healthy / environment / taste 

34. It is said that one out of two people suffer from a cancer. Do you think more people will suffer from a cancer ?

diet / westernized / preventive medicine / medical checkup 

35. Do you agree with having a second job ? 

income / free time / prohibit / switch jobs 

36. Do you want to start a business by yourself ? 

risk / large company / life security / control 

37. Should the government ban children from staying at home alone ? 

parents / crime / work / independence 

38. Should Japan introduce DBS to protect children from sexual crimes ? 

career / education / repeat / mental

39.Today K-12schools are popular. Do you think more students will go to such schools in the future? 

curriculum / friends / academic ability / commute