English below今日、初☆高尾山。久しぶりの登山。結構、昨日の夜まで行くこと... | 及川莉乃 世界にひとつだけの進む道 

及川莉乃 世界にひとつだけの進む道 

Dream comes true♡♡♡


English below 今日、初☆高尾山。久しぶりの登山。 結構、昨日の夜まで行くことを悩んでいたのですが、行ってよかった! 7日、2年半闘病していたプロデューサーがこの世を去りました。最後の作品に私を、と14年越しに作品でご一緒できるはずでした。 でも、どんなに辛いことがあっても、乗り越えていくのは自分だと改めてこの一年かけて気づいたので、これは、自然の力を貰うしかない!と1人登山。 せせらぎの音を聞き、鳥のさえずりや虫の声を聴きながらもくもくと目指す頂上は、なんともいえず自分に向き合う時間で…… いろんな人に助けて貰って、この数ヶ月過ごしてきました。 感謝がいっぱい。 I climbed Mt. Takao for the first time. Ummm, it's been a while since I've climbed a mountain. How awesome!! I didn't decide it until the midnight because I was supposed to go with my friend but something came up, so she won't be able to do. Some bad things happen so I wanted to forget that. The movie producer who I've met him for 14 years passed away for cancer on Sep. 7th. I went to see him many times while he in the hospital for two and a half years. I was supposed to appear in his last movie but it didn't come true. I hate "September" recently that's why there are three Deathdays in one week. My friend, he and my dad. I don't want to believe that. So I had an idea to relieve an injury. I thought it's no way to get over by myself. It's climbing mountain. Nature may get me save. I was doing with hearing the murmur of the stream, the tweet of birds and singing of insects. I did to face myself. But it's thanks to my friends to be able to think like that. A lot of friends have saved me for a year. Thank you very much. Yes!!! Go for it!!!! #高尾山 #リセット #ありがとう

Oikawa Rino(@oikawarino)がシェアした投稿 -