☆ A sincere and true-hearted healer☆ | りっきオーヘンのメタモルフォーゼまほう通信 『愛と叡智のハーモニー』

りっきオーヘンのメタモルフォーゼまほう通信 『愛と叡智のハーモニー』

愛と叡智の明るい未来へと繋げるメタモルフォーゼ(Metamorphose)意識の まほうつかいりっきオーヘン(Rikki O'Hen)のまほうブログ



It was very nice meeting you and the energy
sending helped me.
I actually had a dream last night about
preparing floor and tables to feed many guests, so perhaps in the future I'll be
helping to teach or support 'many guests' somewhere...
And surely you make good combination of
essences I'm sure.
I think you are very a sincere and
true-hearted healer for earth, really.
We're on the same 'Help the earth' team!

Scott Mandelker Ph.D.さま

