Style Lord: British Kaz Campbell in UK Film | BMX bicycle World

BMX bicycle World

All about bicycle sport BMX

'Kaz Campbell-Style Lord' 

Film published on 22nd August 2024 

by Our BMX on YouTube 


With a long haul visit planned to Australia at the end of August, Kaz Campbell wanted to get a video part laid down on home turf before jetting away. With the UK being home to arguably the best trail scene in the world and with Kaz determined to ride as much as possible, he and filmer Sam Barrow set out to work and pulled together 5 plus minutes of style and finesse. 

'Huge thanks to the sick trail builders and spots that make the UK scene incredible'-Sam Barrow 

Rider: Kaz Campbell 

Film/Edit: Sam Barrow/bonehousevideo 

Special Thanks to the following spots 





