You've lost many teeth. You also have much bone loss in your upper jaw. Zygomatic implants might fix this and bring back your smile. 


These specialized implants offer hope when traditional implants aren't possible. Yet, cost is a significant factor in the decision-making process. Let's break down what you need to know.


Breaking Down the Costs

The average cost range is $10,000 to $30,000 per arch (upper or lower). This depends on many factors. They include the surgeon's skill, the complexity of your case, and your location.


See More: 7 Tips to Save Money on Dental Implants



What's Included?

Surgical fees: The cost of the surgeon's time and expertise.

Zygomatic implants are longer than traditional ones. They are also more specialized. This makes them cost more.

Anesthesia: The type of anesthesia needed for the surgical procedure.

You may need a temporary prosthetic while the implants heal. Place the final one before it.

This could be a denture, bridge, or crown attached to the implants. They are forms of permanent restoration.

Does Insurance Help?

Yet, most dental insurance plans cover major procedures. For example, they cover zygomatic implants. Some policies may offer partial coverage. The best way to know for sure is to contact your insurance provider and ask about your specific benefits.

Financing Your Treatment

Zygomatic implants can be a large investment, but there are financing options:

  • Dental loans: Specialized medical loans designed for dental procedures.
  • You can use medical credit cards for dental care. But, be aware of the interest rates.
  • Payment plans: Some clinics offer in-house payment plans to spread out the cost.

Comparing Costs

Zygomatic Implants vs. Traditional Implants: Zygomatic implants are often more expensive upfront. Yet, bone grafting is usually unnecessary with zygomatics. They might be as or even less expensive than traditional implants. This is because traditional implants need grafting procedures.

You may need bone grafting before getting traditional implants. The total cost could be similar to or even higher than zygomatic implants.



Is Traveling for Zygomatic Implants Worth It?

Dental tourism for zygomatic implants is becoming popular. Countries like Mexico, Turkey, and Thailand may offer lower prices. Yet, it's crucial to weigh the following:

  • Travel expenses: Factor in flights, accommodations, etc.
  • Finding a qualified surgeon is key. Research to find good clinics and surgeons who specialize in zygomatic implants.
  • Potential risks: Communication barriers, aftercare complications if you're far from home.

Finding the Right Surgeon

Choosing a surgeon with lots of experience in zygomatic implants is crucial. It is key to the best outcome. Here's how to find one:

Specialty organizations: Consult websites of organizations specializing in oral surgery or implantology.

Referrals: Ask your dentist or other medical professionals for recommendations.

Ask: How much experience do you have with zygomatic implants? What are your success rates? Will you provide before/after photos?


Zygomatic implants provide a life-changing fix for severe bone loss. But, the cost is a big worry, for good reason. You can make an informed choice by understanding the costs. Also, explore financing options and pick a surgeon.

Remember to consult with many surgeons. Do this to get personalized cost estimates and compare approaches.