Resident Evil has undergone significant changes since Nemesis first hunted down the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members on the original PlayStation. Following the immense success of last year’s RE 2 remake, Capcom aims to maintain this momentum with another journey to Raccoon City, where players can immerse themselves in the survival horror experience and even buy Xbox games to enhance their gaming library. While Resident Evil 3 shares similarities with its predecessor due to the shared time and place, Jill's previous encounter with Umbrella's malevolent experiments at the Spencer Mansion casts a dark shadow over the events. Resident Evil 3 places a greater emphasis on action and momentum compared to its predecessor. Unlike Leon and Claire's search for escape within the confines of the RPD building, Jill and Carlos navigate the infested streets of Raccoon City with a heightened sense of urgency and desperation. The narrative propels them explosively from one location to another, seldom allowing them to linger, while puzzles mainly serve to facilitate efficient traversal through hazardous environments.


Tyrant's Pursuit: Resident Evil 3 Remake's Relentless Horror

While zombies are plentiful, they're just one of the many dangers present, thanks to the T-Virus's creation of various ferocious creatures. This enhanced Tyrant appears nearly invincible and holds some surprises that won't be spoiled here, ensuring players are constantly on edge as they navigate through the game and consider adding options to buy PS5 games for more adrenaline-pumping adventures. At times, he relentlessly pursues Jill, and even when defeated, he regenerates to resume the hunt. The game's pacing is finely tuned, with the anticipation of Nemesis's next appearance only eased by the tranquil melodies of a save room. As a highly skilled member of S.T.A.R.S., Jill possesses proficiency with a wide array of tools and weaponry. Without resorting to any lock-picking jokes, it's clear that opening doors and supply containers is crucial for progression, along with staples like shotguns and grenade launchers. Carlos also gets his moments in the spotlight, with his own unique albeit limited arsenal.

Evade and Conquer: Mastering the Dodge in Resident Evil 3 Remake

One of the most valuable gameplay mechanics is the dodge. When controlling Jill, executing this move with precision triggers a combat roll, while with Carlos, it delivers a powerful haymaker that knocks enemies down. Successful dodges can be followed up with a time-slowing counter-attack, dealing rapid damage to an enemy's vulnerable spot. Weapon upgrades, additional resources, hidden collectibles like bobbleheads, and documents are scattered throughout the environment. Exploring optional areas in search of supplies often proves rewarding but risky, particularly when faced with intense pressure. While ammunition isn't as scarce as in some other Resident Evil titles, players still need to exercise caution and manage their resources wisely.

Realism with a Twist: Resident Evil 3 Remake's Visual and Gameplay Balance

Surfaces like walls and pools of blood appear more natural with reduced reflectivity, adding to the overall realism. However, these improvements come with a slight trade-off, as there's slightly less gore compared to Resident Evil 2. While the game remains delightfully bloody and graphic, dismemberment has been toned down, resulting in less spectacular kills. Limbs now explode upon being shot off, rather than lingering unnervingly on the ground. The main drawback of Resident Evil 3 is its short length. A first playthrough typically lasts around five to six hours, exacerbated by some minor omissions from the original game. Challenges such as eliminating zombies with specific weapons or achieving an S-rank unlock various bonuses, including special weapons and items not found in the main game. With the addition of speed-run attempts, players have plenty to strive for.