



1898年 独露英仏が清国の沿岸部を続けざまに占領・租借する

1899年 ジョン・ヘイ国務長官が門戸開放というのを唱えていく

1900年 義和団事件が起きる、ジョン・ヘイ国務長官が同趣向の内容のものを述べる


1907年10月8日(?) タフト陸軍長官


   [...]. It is certain, therefore, that the American Chinese trade is sufficiently great to require the government of the United States to take every legitimate means to protect it against diminution or injury by the political preference of any of its competitors. It can not of course complain of loss of trade effected by use of greater enterprises, greater ingenuity, greater attention to demands of the Chinese market and greater business acumen by its competitiors; but it would have the right to protest against exclusion from Chinese trade by a departure from the policy of the open door. 
   [...] it is hardly worth while to speculate as to the probable attitude of the United States were its merchants' interests injured by a violation of it. How far the United States would go in the protection of its Chinese trade no one of course could say. This much is clear, however, that the merchants of the United States are being roused to the importance of their Chinese export trade, that they would view political obstacles to its expansion with deep concern, and that this feeling of theirs would be likely to find expression in the attitude of the American government.

 〔…〕。米国と中国〔China, 清国〕の貿易は、それゆえ、米国政府が、私たちの競争相手の政治的な優遇による減少や損失からそれを守るためのあらゆる合法的な手段を取ることを必要とするほどに十分に大きい、ということは確かです。それはもちろん、競争相手の偉大な企業行為、偉大な創意、中国市場の需要への偉大な注意、そして商業的眼識によってある貿易の喪失について文句を言うことはできません;しかし、それは、門戸開放政策からの離脱による中国貿易からの除外への抗議を行う権利は持ちうるでしょう。〔…〕もしそれ〔門戸開放政策〕に反することにより米国の商人の利益が損なわれた場合の米国のありうる態度を予期することは、しなくてよいことです。米国が中国貿易の保護においてどれくらいのことを為すかは、もちろん誰も言うことができません。しかしながら、このことは明らかです、米国の商人は中国への輸出貿易の重要性に気づいているところであること、その拡大への政治的な障壁を大きな関心とともに見るだろうこと、彼らのこの感情は米国政府の態度の中にその表現を見つけるだろうこと。


1922年2月9日 ハーディング大統領 上院 ワシントン会議を終えて

We have convinced the on-looking and interested powers that we covet the possessions of no other power in the Far East, and we know for ourselves that we crave no further or greater governmental or territorial responsibilities there. Contemplating what is admittedly ours, and mindful of a long-time and reciprocal friencfship with China, we do wish the opportunity to continue the development of our trade peacefully, and on equality with other nations, to strengthen our ties of friendship, and to make sure the righteous and just relationships of peace.



チャールズ・A・ビアード 1922年の本

He [President Harding] says that we do not want any more territory in the Pacific, but that we want trade. That means, in plain English, that we want markets in China in which to sell goods; we want opportunities to invest money with good commissions and high rates of interest; and we want concessions to build railways, exploit natural resourses, and develop Chinese industries to our profit. Assuming that the open door is really open, that means intense and active rivalry with England, France, and Japan in the Far East.




言い換えのひとつ目はともかく、二つ目、激しく活発な競合(intense and active rivalry)というのは、おそらくそうである、あるいは考えることがなされていいかもしれないようなことだと思う。



1922年11月 チャールズ・ヒューズ国務長官 米国


 We are not seeking spheres of special political and economic influence, and endeavoring to control others for our aggrandizement. We are not seeking special privileges anywhere at the expense of others. Our policies are simple and can be directly stated. We wish to protect the just and equal rights of Americans everywhere in the world. We wish to maintain the equality of commercial opportunity, and, as we call it, the open door. This is not in derogation of anybody eles. It is just open to others as it is to us. Equality means equality. It doesn't mean, privilege. We desire to see peaceful settlements. We desire to see economy. ...








国務省極東部門(1908年-1944年)主任 ()は代理



(1908-1908)ウィリアム・フィリップス  大陸


(1909-1913)ランスフォード・ミラー 日本

(1913-1918)E・T・ウィリアムス 大陸

(1918-1919)ランスフォード・ミラー 日本

(1919-1924)J・V・A・マクマーリ 大陸、日本


(1925-1927)ネルソン・ジョンソン 大陸


(1928-1937)スタンレー・ホーンベック 大陸

(1937-1944)マクスウェル・ハミルトン 大陸




   In giving consideration to the question whether the American Government should at this time make some sort of diplomatic approach to the Japanese Government in regard to the situation in North China, it seems to this Division that there should be clarity of thought in regard to the objectives which the American Government should seek and those which might expect to attain.
   Our first objective should be the safeguarding of American interests, including persons, property, policy, influence, sanctity of treaties, and peace. [...] We must keep in mind the fact that it is our constant policy to work for the safeguarding of the open door and the principle of respect for China's political, territorial and administrative integrity. [...]

 米国政府が現在において、北支の状況に関し、日本政府に何らかの外交的な働きかけを為すべきかどうか、という問いへの考察をする(giving consideration)にあたり、本部門〔国務省極東部門〕には、米国政府が探し求めるべき目標(objectives)、および達成が予期され得るそれに関し、思考の明瞭さがあるべき(there should be clarity of thought)であるように思われる。
 我々の第一の目標は、米国の利益、それは人々、財産(property)、政策(policy)、影響(influence)、条約の神聖(sanctity of treaties)、そして平和を含む、を守ることであるべきである。〔…〕私たちは、門戸開放(open door)の保護と、中国(China)の政治的、領土的、そして行政的な統一(integrity)の尊重の原則(principle)のために働くことが、私たちの継続的な政策である、という事実を意識に留めなければならない。〔…〕








The "Open Door Policy". The expression "open door policy" has, unfortunately, become attached to our policy of equality of opportunity in relation to China in particular and our policy of championing the idea of maintaining the integrity of China. Certain observers and givers of advice are suggesting that we "scrap" or "give up" the open door policy. But as a matter of fact, our policy of seeking to observe and to obtain respect for the principle of equality of opportunity and, in connection therewith, seeking to obtain respect for the principle of territorial integrity in regard to China, is merely a particular application of certain principles which are general as regards our foreign policy. Our "Far Eastern" or "China" policy is not peculiar in regard to these matters. Nor do the principles which we advocate (and to which we pay respect) in that connection differ from the principles professed (but not in all cases scrupulously lived up to) by the other powers, especially Great Britain.










コーデル・ハルは門戸開放の人ではないが、根っからの民主党的な思考の人物で、それまでは国内のことを考え、欧州戦争を機に、その最中からは国際的なことを考えて、極めて熱心熱烈に、低関税というものを唱え、訴えて来た、そして1933年に国務長官になってからは、なおいっそうそれに取り組んでいった人物であり、ハルは、外交に関しては大いに各地域部門の主任に頼んだこともあり、極東(far east)に関してはホーンベックの影響が大きかったらしい。1934年から南米諸国等と相互関税条約というのを結んでいき、また大英帝国特恵関税に激しく批判的、否定的、攻撃的であり、それを廃止することに非常に力を注いでいたらしい。


1939年から欧州戦争が起きており、ハル、国務省、ルーズベルトは、1941年8月の大西洋憲章に関税撤廃的な文言を入れようとしたものの、これは実現しなかったらしい。出すことが遅れることになることなどを望まず、ルーズベルトが妥協し、英国側のwith due respect for their existing obligations、という文言が入ったらしい。


大西洋憲章 第四条


 They would endeavor, with due respect for their existing obligations, to further the enjoyment by all States, great or small, victor or vanquished, of access, on equal terms, to the trade and to the raw materials of the world which were needed for their economic prosperity.

 それら〔英国と米国〕は、現存する義務を尊重しながら(with due respect for their existing obligations)、大小、戦勝国、敗戦国、全ての国によってなされる、平等の条件のもとにおける、各国の経済的繁栄のために必要とされる貿易への参加と世界の原資源の獲得の享受を促進することに努める。









1945年11月 国務省

世界貿易と雇用の拡大についての提案/proposals for expansion of world trade and employment 2頁

 [...] Trade connects employment, production, and consumption and facilitates all three. Its increase means more jobs, more wealth produced, more goods to be enjoyed.
   Countries should therefore join in an effort to release trade from the various restrictions which have kept it small. If they succeed in this they will have made a major contribution to the welfare of their peoples and to the success of their common efforts in other fields.








Article 2

Importance of Employment, Production and Demand in relation to the Purpose of this Charter


1. The Members recognize that the avoidance of unemployment or underemployment, through the achievement and maintenance in each country of useful employment opportunities for those able and willing to work and of a large and steadily growing volume of production and effective demand for goods and services, is not of domestic concern alone, but is also a necessary condition for the achievement of the general purpose and the objectives set forth in Article 1, including the expansion of international trade, and thus for the well-being of all other countries.


2. [...]


3. [...]


















The Charter contains three "key" provisions which express its basis economics in terms of actual problems of world trade.






 1.第十六条―平等な扱い(非差別)/Equal treatment (non- discrimination)

 2.第十七条―関税引き下げと選好の廃止/Reduction of tariffs and elimination of preferences

 3.第二十条―数量規制の一般的廃止/General elimination of quantitative restrictions (Quota)












