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Democrats’ Rhetoric Inspired Another Attempt On President Trump’s Life

September 16, 2024

Yesterday, President Donald J. Trump was the target of a second assassination attempt in as many months.


Thankfully, the would-be assassin was stopped by the heroic action of law enforcement — but make no mistake, this psycho was egged on by the rhetoric and lies that have flowed from Kamala Harris, Democrats, and their Fake News allies for years.


Democrats used increasingly incendiary rhetoric against President Trump in the days, weeks, and months leading up to the two assassination attempts:

That doesn't even include the dangerous rhetoric against President Trump spewed by deranged Democrats during the 2016 and 2020 elections, the impeachment hoaxes, and the Summer of Love.


Meanwhile, the deplorable commentary from Democrats and the Fake News in the aftermath of the latest assassination attempt has been even worse:

Democrats and the Fake News must immediately cease their inflammatory, violent rhetoric against President Trump — which was mimicked by yesterday's would-be asssassin.


President Trump said it best: "Because of this Communist Left Rhetoric, the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse!"







ありがたいことに、暗殺者志願者は、法執行機関の英雄的な行動によって止められた - しかし、間違いなく、このサイコは、カマラ・ハリスや、民主党員や、彼らの偽ニュースの同盟者たちから、何年も流れ出てきたレトリックとウソに駆り立てられていたのだ。



これには、2016年と2020年の選挙で狂った民主党員が吐き出したトランプ大統領に対する危険なレトリック、弾劾のデマ、サマー・オブ・ラブ(ヒッピー ムーブメントの頂点)さえ含まれていない。



民主党と偽ニュースは、トランプ大統領に対する彼らの扇動的で暴力的な言辞を直ちに止めなければならない - それは昨日の暗殺者志望者が模倣したものだ。

