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The Fake News ABC Moderators Wouldn’t Fact Check Kamala. So, We Did.

September 11, 2024

Last night's debate was an indisputable victory for President Donald J. Trump — despite a disgraceful three-on-one format.


Kamala Harris showed Americans exactly who she is: a Radical Left puppet with no vision, no solutions, and no answers for the problems she has unleashed on Americans over the past 3.5 years.


Kamala Harris told lie after lie after lie:

  • Kamala falsely claimed "not one member of the United States military...is in active duty in a combat zone."
  • Kamala falsely claimed she does not support a government takeover of health care (she does).
  • Kamala denied she supports a fracking ban (she does) and mandatory gun confiscation (she does).
  • Kamala said "that's not true" when President Trump highlighted her support for defunding the police — which she has repeatedly called to do.
  • Kamala denied she raised money to bail violent rioters out of jail during the 2020 Summer of Love — but her tweet is literally still up.
  • Kamala falsely claimed President Trump supports "Project 2025" — despite the fact that he has never been involved.
  • Kamala falsely claimed Tim Walz didn't legalize abortion-on-demand until birth in Minnesota — which is exactly what he did.
  • Kamala claimed President Trump supports a national abortion ban (he doesn't) and wants to ban IVF (he doesn't).
  • Kamala resurrected the Charlottesville hoax, which fact-checkers have repeatedly debunked.

Here's what Kamala couldn't explain:

  • Why she let 20 million illegal aliens invade the country.
  • Why she destroyed the economy and drove up inflation.
  • Why she supports radical, ninth-month abortion-on-demand.
  • Why she destroyed the country with weak-on-crime policies.
  • Why she was fully on board with the gross incompetence of the Afghanistan withdrawal that left 13 U.S. service members dead.


One thing she said was true: her Radical Left values "have not changed."


Americans know the country has fallen dramatically off course under Kamala Harris — and President Trump is the only candidate who can fix it.





昨夜の討論会は、ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領にとって議論の余地のない勝利だった ー 恥ずべき3対1の形式にもかかわらず。






  • なぜ彼女は2000万人の不法滞在者を国に侵略させたのか。
  • なぜ彼女は経済を破壊し、インフレを押し上げたのか。
  • なぜ彼女は過激な9ヶ月目のオンデマンド中絶を支持するのか。
  • なぜ彼女は犯罪に弱い政策で国を破壊したのか。
  • なぜ彼女は、13人のアメリカ軍兵士を死に至らしめたアフガニスタン撤退の甚だしい無能さに全面的に賛成していたのか。




アメリカ国民は、カマラ・ハリスの下で国が劇的にコースから外れたことを知っている ー  そして、トランプ大統領はそれを修正できる唯一の候補者である。