パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年7月5日 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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Palm Beach Playbook - July 5, 2024

July 05, 2024


パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年7月5日


July 5, 2024


BUMBLING BIDEN STRIKES AGAIN  To borrow the words of Jen Psaki when she was actually being honest about her impressions of Joe Biden, it’s impossible to watch him these days and not think “what on earth is happening right now?”


Biden’s events over the Fourth of July proved no exception.



Perpetually confused, continually stumbling, and unfit to do the job as president … That’s Joe Biden. Shame on all those Democrats who continue to excuse the decline happening in front of our eyes. They’ve shown they put political self-interest first ahead of our country – no matter the costs.


TRUMP MOMENTUM – “Trump Widens Lead After Biden’s Debate Debacle” read The New York Times headline, and the headline was right (a welcome change from The New York Times)!



In fact, a series of polls show President Trump with a commanding lead over Joe Biden and any Democrat that may take his place. The Democrats are even in a place where they are bragging about polls showing them losing. As we mentioned earlier this week, President Trump is playing offense all over the electoral map. This isn’t just about Crooked Joe Biden. The Democrats have failed our country, and in November, Americans will hold them responsible at the ballot box.


“IT’S JUST MY BRAIN”  Biden admitted (again) that he’s not up for the job of president. According to a report from The New York Times“President Biden told a gathering of Democratic governors that he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours, including curtailing events after 8 p.m.”


So in case you are keeping track, Biden told donors he needs more than 12 days to recover from a foreign trip (including two at the beach), he routinely takes afternoon naps, and now he concedes he needs to be out of public view by 8pm. And this comes after aids admitted he can’t be trusted outside the hours of 10am and 4pm.


It’s just my brain,” responded Biden to a question about his health. If that was a joke, no one is laughing. This scandal gets worse by the minute. Reminder: The Biden White House – and every Democrat who has repeated their propaganda – has no real excuse to explain away Biden’s decline because the truth is that he is unfit for office.




愚痴をこぼすバイデンが再び攻撃 - ジェン・サキが実際にジョー・バイデンの印象について正直に語っていたときの言葉を借りると、最近の彼を見ていて、「いったい今何が起こっているのか」を考えずにはいられません。







トランプの勢い - "トランプはバイデンの討論会の大失敗後にリードを広げる" というニューヨーク・タイムズの見出しを読んで、この見出しは正しかった(ニューヨークタイムズの歓迎すべき変更)!





「それは私の頭脳に過ぎない」 - バイデンは、自分が大統領の仕事に向いていないことを(再び)認めました。ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の報道によると、「バイデン大統領は、民主党の知事の集まりで、午後8時以降のイベントを縮小するなど、より多くの睡眠と労働時間を減らす必要があると語った。」とのことです。



