パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年7月3日 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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Palm Beach Playbook - July 3, 2024

July 03, 2024



パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年7月3日


July 3, 2024


BIDEN CAMPAIGN IN FREEFALL – A new leaked Democrat poll shows that the Biden campaign is in freefall.



Yikes – the news has gone from bad to worse for Joe Biden. Importantly, however, Americans aren’t just rejecting Biden’s competency (or lack thereof), but his failed policies that have been embraced hook, line, and sinker by the entire Democrat Party.


Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats in Congress aided and abetted an invasion at our border, fueled inflation, lowered real wages, raised the tax burden on the middle class, weakened America’s standing the world, emboldened our enemies, allowed criminals to control our streets, and prioritized special interest groups over families.


The Democrat agenda is “America Last.” In November, Americans will vote to put America First!


KAMALA IS CULPABLE – Every Democrat who has lied about Biden’s cognitive decline is culpable for the scandal we are seeing unfold before our eyes.


For 3½ years, Democrats have lied to the American people. Now, in a desperate and futile attempt to protect themselves from the wrath of voters this November, they are changing tune and coming to grips with reality. It's too little, too late.


The destruction and chaos created by the Biden administration isn't just on Crooked Joe — it's on the entire Democrat Party. None have been worse than Kamala Harris, who has lied repeatedly – presumably putting her own position above the security of the American people. A few examples:

  • Harris“I'm not lying” about Biden’s cognitive and physical abilities.
  • Harris“I spend a lot of time with Joe Biden... This is someone who is tireless in terms of working...”
  • Harris“The way that the president’s demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts.”

For a list of 50 times Democrats have lied about Biden’s obvious cognitive decline, click here.


In November, the American people will remember these lies from Democrats.




自由落下のバイデン キャンペーン– 新たにリークされた民主党の世論調査は、バイデン陣営が急降下していることを示している。









カマラは過失– バイデンの認知機能低下について嘘をついた民主党員は皆、目の前で繰り広げられているスキャンダルの責任がある。




バイデン政権が引き起こした破壊と混沌は、ひねくれジョーだけにとどまらず、民主党全体に降りかかっている。繰り返し嘘をついてきたカマラ・ハリスほどひどい人間はいない - おそらく、アメリカ国民の安全よりも、自分の立場を優先しているのだろう。いくつか例を挙げる。

  • ハリス:バイデン氏の認知能力や身体能力について「嘘をついているわけではない」。
  • ハリス:「私はジョー・バイデンと多くの時間を過ごしています...この人は、仕事に関して疲れを知らない人です...」
  • ハリス:「あの報告書における大統領の態度の特徴は、事実に関してこれ以上ないほど間違っています」


