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Palm Beach Playbook - July 1, 2024

July 01, 2024

パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年7月1日


July 1, 2024


IMMUNITY RULING – Today’s ruling at the Supreme Court was a victory for the rule of law, for the Constitution, and for our country.




Even the Biden campaign admitted that it was a major blow to the Democrats’ lawfare being waged against President Donald Trump. As RNC Chairman Michael Whatley noted, “Today’s ruling is a victory for the rule of law and a reminder that the constitution outweighs the left’s weaponization of the judicial system against President Trump and his allies.”


Democrats have weaponized our institutions to target their political opponents and to interfere in our elections. Censorship, politically-motived prosecutions, witch hunts, and one hoax and smear after another… Joe Biden and his allies have proven that they are a threat to democracy.


“DEMOCRATS IN A STATE OF CRISIS” – NBC News reported on the absolute state of panic among Democrats following last Thursday’s debate.



The entire Democrat establishment is in meltdown mode. They deserve it. For years they have denied Biden’s apparent and obvious mental decline. Serious questions have to be asked about the credibility of any Democrat in D.C., especially the hacks in the administration who have gaslit the American people from the White House communications office. The debate confirmed what Americans have seen with their own eyes for years – Biden is unfit for office.


Importantly, not only did Biden lose, President Trump won. He won on the facts, on the message, and on the vision to Make America Great Again. Republicans are more motivated than ever to save our country!



Joe Biden is a weak, dishonest, and failed president. In November, Americans will vote to Make America Great Again by electing President Trump!


10 TO 4 – Even Biden’s own staff is recognizing that Joe Biden is not up to the job.


That’s per a new series of reports from Axios over the weekend showing the depths to which Team Biden goes to hide Biden’s decline. Joe Biden is roped off from his staff, limited in his public appearances, and is only expected to be reliable from 10am to 4pm. Biden can’t even put in the average workday of 9am to 5pm, let alone handle one of the hardest jobs in the world.


This has been going on for years. It shows that you can’t trust Joe Biden and those close to him who insist “there’s nothing to see here.” And as Biden is locked away, the border crisis rages, the world is on fire, “Bidenomics” is hammering families, and our nation is in decline.




免責判決 – 本日の最高裁の判決は、法の支配、憲法、そしてわが国の勝利でした。








「危機的状況にある民主党」 NBCニュースは、先週木曜日の討論会後の民主党員のパニック状態について報じました。










10対4 – バイデン自身のスタッフでさえ、ジョー・バイデンがその仕事に適していないことを認識しています。



