パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年6月19日 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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Palm Beach Playbook - June 19, 2024

June 19, 2024


パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年6月19日


June 19, 2024


WISCONSIN IS TRUMP COUNTRY! – There is no doubt, Wisconsin loves President Trump!


In his 90 minute speech – Joe Biden could never – President Trump laid out the clear contrast between his America First agenda and Joe Biden’s illegal aliens first agenda.



Americans deserve a president who will fight for them, not a president who concedes our border to the cartels, robs taxpayer benefits from our seniors and gives them to illegals, and looks the other way as heinous international gangs plunder our cities and murder our people.


This November, Wisconsin will tell Joe Biden, “you’re fired,” and vote to reelect President Trump.


IT WAS PREVENTABLE – In a heartbreaking interview, Patty Morin, Rachel Morin’s mother, discussed the death of her daughter:


“It’s a senseless death! … Who would expect, almost 2,000 miles from the South border, somebody coming from another country, coming into our small town, and just randomly attacking somebody and brutally murdering them? It’s like we’ve opened our doors and you let a stranger into your house, who does that? We’re not protecting ourselves, we’re not protecting our families, and I think that if they had left things in place, and here I am going, I promised I wouldn’t be political, but if we had left things in place, my daughter might still be here today.”


This horrifying crime was preventable. The suspect is a Biden illegal who:

  • FEBRUARY 2023: Fled his native El Salvador after he murdered a young woman, then illegally crossed Biden’s open border.
  • MARCH 2023: Attacked a nine-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion in Los Angeles.
  • AUGUST 2023: Murdered Rachel Morin as she was out for an evening run on a public trail near her home.

On Day One, President Trump will end this national nightmare and end Biden’s border invasion.













それは防ぐことができた - 悲痛なインタビューの中で、レイチェル・モリンさんの母親であるパティ・モリンさんは、娘の死について次のように語っています。





  • 2023年2月:若い女性を殺害した後、母国エルサルバドルから逃亡し、バイデンの開いた国境を不法に越えた。
  • 2023年3月:ロサンゼルスで9歳の少女とその母親を襲撃。
  • 2023年8月:レイチェル・モリンさんが夕方、自宅近くの公道にランニングに出かけたところを殺害。
