パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年6月17日 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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Palm Beach Playbook - June 17, 2024

June 17, 2024


パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年6月17日


June 17, 2024


ANOTHER ILLEGAL ALIEN ARRESTED FOR MURDER – An illegal alien serial predator – welcomed into the country by Biden in 2023 – has been arrested in the brutal rape and murder of Rachel Morin, a Maryland mother-of-five who went missing while out for a run last year.




The savage crime took place 1,800 miles away from the southern border.


The suspect is a Biden illegal who:

  • FEBRUARY 2023: Fled his native El Salvador after he murdered a young woman, then illegally crossed Biden’s open border.
  • MARCH 2023: Attacked a nine-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion in Los Angeles.
  • AUGUST 2023: Murdered Rachel Morin as she was out for an evening run on a public trail near her home.

The blood is on Biden’s hands. This tragedy is far from the first time an American citizen has fallen victim to a senseless act of violence perpetuated by monsters who shouldn’t be here in the first place. For more, click here.


MASS AMNESTY – We told you that Biden’s toothless executive order was never actually meant to secure the border. The latest evidence? Biden and his band of communists reportedly have a new scheme that would give mass amnesty to millions of illegals in the country – even as the border continues to be overrun by illegals who are subsequently released unvetted directly into our communities.


Indeed, this is only the latest Biden scheme to undermine our national security and open the border. He is already running a de facto mass amnesty program for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, and his administration has instructed law enforcement to release illegal aliens from all but six countries into the United States.


The invasion was by design.


BLACK VOTERS ABANDONING BIDEN – CNN was left “speechless” after reporting that Black voters are abandoning Biden in record numbers.


Biden has dropped 16 points overall among Black voters from 2020 – but Black voters are not only ditching Biden, they are throwing their support behind President Trump.

  • President Trump has tripled his support among Black voters from 7% in 2020 to 21% today.
  • Among Black voters aged 50+, Biden has dropped 9 points.
  • Among Black voters under age 50, Biden nearly halved his support, dropping 43 points.

Biden is hemorrhaging support among Black voters for the same reasons he's hemorrhaging support among every other voter group: Bidenomics has decimated Americans' finances and Biden has imported millions of unvetted illegals into American communities, to name a few. For more click here.




殺人容疑で逮捕されたもう一人の不法滞在者 - 2023年にバイデン氏が同国に迎え入れた不法滞在の連続捕食者が、昨年ランニング中に行方不明になったメリーランド州の5児の母、レイチェル・モリンさんの残忍なレイプと殺人で逮捕された。







  • 2023年2月:若い女性を殺害した後、母国エルサルバドルから逃亡し、バイデンの開いた国境を不法に越えた。
  • 2023年3月:ロサンゼルスで9歳の少女とその母親を襲撃。
  • 2023年8月:レイチェル・モリンが自宅近くの公道を夕方ランニングに出かけたところを殺害。



大量恩赦 – バイデンの歯が立たない大統領令は、実際には国境を守るためのものではなかったと伝えた。最新の証拠は?バイデンと彼の共産主義者の一団は、国境が不法滞在者によって蹂躙され続け、その後、審査されずに直接私たちのコミュニティに解放されるにもかかわらず、国内の何百万人もの不法滞在者に大量恩赦を与える新しい計画を持っていると伝えられている。






バイデンを見捨てる黒人有権者 – CNNは、黒人有権者が記録的な数でバイデンを見捨てていると報じた後、「言葉を失った」。



  • トランプ大統領は、黒人有権者の支持率を2020年の7%から現在の21%へと3倍に増やした。
  • 50+歳の黒人有権者の間では、バイデンは9ポイント下がった。
  • 50歳未満の黒人有権者では、バイデン氏の支持率は43ポイント低下し、ほぼ半減した。
