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Donald J. Trump




Corrupt Soros backed Manhattan D.A, Alvin Bragg, at the direction of Crooked Joe Biden and his DOJ, has always known that there was NO CRIME in the Case he filed against me. He didn’t even want to bring this “Zombie Case,” but when forced to attack me for Election Interference purposes, Bragg attempted to make it look as bad as possible by “stacking the counts” - A TOTAL SCAM. The reality is that the whole Hoax is just about Legal Expenses being paid and marked as….Legal Expenses. Instead, the Prosecutors made up 34 counts out of 11 Checks, 11 Invoices, and 12 Entries by a highly respected bookkeeper in a Ledger. Even the Invoices said, “Legal Retainer.” Why? Because that’s what it was, a payment to a then-fully accredited lawyer. Nothing illegal, no “conspiracies.” THE APPELLATE COURTS HAVE TO END THIS WITCH HUNT AGAINST A POLITICAL OPPONENT!





