パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年6月10日 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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Palm Beach Playbook - June 10, 2024

June 10, 2024


パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年6月10日


June 10, 2024


“THANK YOU LAS VEGAS!” – In the words of President Trump, “If we win Nevada, we win the whole thing!”


The energy at the rally in Las Vegas over the weekend matched the state’s importance, with massive crowds and spontaneous chants of “we want Trump!” Crooked Joe Biden could never.


But it wasn’t just the crowds that made this rally different from Biden’s staged campaign “events;” it was also the policy. President Trump announced his plan to eliminate taxes on tips for restaurant and hospitality workers – which would be a major boost to working families who have been hammered by Biden’s “inflation tax.”



President Trump wants to let workers keep more of their own money. Biden wants to send IRS enforcers after them so he can keeping fueling inflation by giving their money away to far-left special interests.


President Trump offers lower taxes and a booming economy. Joe Biden “offers” higher taxes and an economy in decline. Americans will vote accordingly.


TRUMP STANDS WITH VETERANS – Crooked Joe Biden, on foreign soil, regurgitated the debunked “suckers and losers” hoax against President Trump. It wasn’t true in 2020 and it’s still not true now – but no disgusting lies are beneath Biden.


Here’s the reality: A White House email from a U.S. Marine Corps official proves a “bad weather call” was the reason for President Trump’s canceled visit to Aisne-Marne American cemetery in 2018; further evidence refuting Biden’s claim includes U.S. Navy records obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request — and even John Bolton's book. Unequivocal denials came from virtually every official on the trip. Click here for the list.


The truth is that President Trump stands with our veterans, and our veterans stand with President Trump.



Biden is a chronic liar who, aided by willing accomplices in the fake news media, will say and do anything to win an election. The despicable “suckers and losers” hoax should be dismissed as just that. Click here for more.


BIDEN’S BASE – Crooked Joe Biden has finally found his base: unvetted illegals from all around the world.


A newly uncovered memo from the Biden administration instructs Border Patrol to release everyone into the U.S. except those coming from just six countries. Notably absent from the prohibited countries list: China, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and the Congo. Also, Iran, North Korea, and Syria —all countries deemed state sponsors of terrorism by the Biden administration.




It’s part of why Biden’s toothless executive order has done nothing to change the reality on the ground. It was never meant to. Biden’s open-border, catch-and-release agenda continues at top speed, and illegal aliens know it. They are even proclaiming their love for Biden as they enter the country.


Biden could end the border crisis today by reinstating President Trump’s border security measures, but he won’t. The only one who will is President Trump. Click here for more.




「ありがとうラスベガス!」 トランプ大統領の言葉を借りれば、「ネバダ州に勝てば、すべてに勝つ。」のです。











トランプ氏は退役軍人の味方 曲がったジョー・バイデンは、外国の地で、トランプ大統領に対する「吸盤と敗者」のデマを逆流させました。2020年当時は真実ではなかったし、今も真実ではありませんが、バイデンの下には嫌な嘘はないことになっています。









バイデンの基盤 –曲がったジョー・バイデンは、ついに彼の基盤を見つけました:世界中からの吟味されていない不法滞在者です。







