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Palm Beach Playbook - May 28, 2024

May 28, 2024



パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年5月28日




May 28, 2024

NOT EVEN TRYING TO HIDE IT – The Biden campaign has finally conceded the obvious, his entire candidacy is premised on locking his political opponent in a jail cell. Crooked Joe Biden’s campaign rolled out a masked, unhinged Bob De Niro outside the New York City courthouse to boast about their deranged witch hunt against Biden's top political rival, President Donald Trump.


それを隠そうともせず - バイデン陣営はついに、彼の立候補全体が、政敵を刑務所の独房に閉じ込めることを前提としているという明白な事実を認めた。曲者ジョー・バイデンの選挙運動は、ニューヨーク市の裁判所の外で、錯乱したボブ・デ・ニーロをフィーチャーし、バイデンの最大の政治的ライバルであるドナルド・トランプ大統領に対する狂った魔女狩りを自慢した。



It was a scene punctuated by blaring car alarms, campaign signs in the trash, and heckles as Biden’s spokesman refused to answer questions on Biden’s weaponized Justice Department.





The Left’s lawfare is election interference at the highest level. There’s one threat to American democracy in this election — and his name is Crooked Joe Biden. For more information, click here.


BRINGING MAGA TO EVERY VOTER – From the Bronx, to the Libertarian convention,R, President Trump is bringing his winning message to Make America Great Again to every voter across this country. to NASCA




すべての有権者にMAGAを届ける – ブロンクスからリバタリアン党大会まで、トランプ大統領は「アメリカを再び偉大に」という勝利のメッセージを、この国のすべての有権者に届けている。NASCAへ


He’s breaking political norms and playing offense by expanding the electoral map. While President Trump is drawing massive crowds in traditional deep-blue New Jersey and New York, Joe Biden can’t even get ten people to show up to a Wawa in Democrat-run Philadelphia, unless they work there.


That’s the power of Make America Great Again – it does not matter your background or your zip code, Americans want safe communities, a prosperous economy, a secure border, and a peaceful world. President Trump has delivered on those promises before, and he will do it again!



