本日、トランプ大統領の陣営は、連邦政府が許可する寄付者が、合同募金委員会を通じて、… | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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President Donald J. Trump Campaign Now Accepting Crypto, First Major Party Nominee To Do So

May 21, 2024

Today, President Trump’s campaign has launched a fundraising page that provides any federally permissible donor the ability to give - through its joint fundraising committees - using any cryptocurrency accepted through the Coinbase Commerce product.



This addition to President Trump’s already groundbreaking digital fundraising operation marks the first time a major party Presidential nominee has embraced cryptocurrency for donations. Contribution limits and disclosure requirements for crypto donations will follow Federal Election Commission regulations.



Starting today, people wanting to make federally permissible donations to the Trump campaign with crypto can do so at: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/crypto



As our President, Donald J. Trump has reduced regulations and championed innovation in financial technology, while Democrats, like Biden and his official surrogate Elizabeth Warren, continue to believe only government has the answers to how our nation leads the world. 



The effort to reduce the control of government on an American’s financial decision-making is part of a seismic shift toward freedom. Today’s announcement reflects President Trump’s commitment to an agenda that values freedom over socialistic government control.



Biden surrogate Elizabeth Warren said in an attack on cryptocurrency that she was building an "anti-crypto army" to restrict Americans’ right to make their own financial choices. MAGA supporters, now with a new cryptocurrency option, will build a crypto army moving the campaign to victory on November 5th!








本日、トランプ大統領の陣営は、連邦政府が許可する寄付者が、合同募金委員会を通じて、Coinbase Commerce(仮想通貨決済のサービス)製品を通じて受け入れられた暗号通貨を使用して寄付できるようにする募金ページを立ち上げました。






本日より、仮想通貨でトランプ陣営に連邦政府が許可する寄付をしたい人は、次の方法で行うことができます https://www.donaldjtrump.com/crypto











