ニューヨーク債に関するドナルド・J・トランプ大統領の声明 2024年3月18日 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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Statement from President Donald J. Trump on New York Bond

March 18, 2024

I built a Magnificent Business, which helped rebuild New York City and State, with Amazing, Unparalleled, Historic Properties and tons of CASH, which Crooked Joe Biden and his Maniac Persecutors are trying to wrongfully and illegally take from me. A bond of the size set by the Democrat Club-controlled Judge, in Corrupt, Racist Letitia James’ unlawful Witch Hunt, is unConstitutional, un-American, unprecedented, and practically impossible for ANY Company, including one as successful as mine. The Bonding Companies have never heard of such a bond, of this size, before, nor do they have the ability to post such a bond, even if they wanted to. 


The statute used to attack me has never been used for such a purpose before - No Jury allowed, ridiculous $18 Million Value for Mar-a-Lago, the Judge ignored the Statute of Limitations Decision by the Appellate Court, Ironclad Disclaimer Clauses, No Damages, No Victims – A Disgraceful “Case!” This Sham is forcing companies and people to flee New York, and stopping companies from entering - If they did, they would be crazy, because they don’t need the Communist China, or old Soviet Union, model of business to interfere with their Prosperity and Success. We will fight and defeat this Hoax, and all of the other Crooked Joe-directed Hoaxes, once and for all. If I wasn’t running for President of the United States, and leading by a lot, this kind of Witch Hunt would never have happened!


Read the Truths here and here.







私を攻撃するために使用された法令は、前にそのような目的のために使用されたことがない - 陪審員は許可されていない、マー・ア・ラーゴの、ありえないたった1800万ドルの価値、裁判官は控訴裁判所、鉄壁の免責条項、損害賠償、犠牲者による時効の決定を無視した - 恥ずべき「事件!」この偽物は、企業や人々をニューヨークから逃げ出させ、企業が参入するのを阻止している - もしそうであれば、彼らは彼らの繁栄と成功を妨げるために、共産主義中国や旧ソ連のビジネスモデルを必要としないので、彼らは狂ってしまうだろう。私たちは、このデマと、曲者ジョーが指示した他のすべてのデマと戦い、きっぱりと打ち負かす。もし私が合衆国大統領選に立候補していなかったら、そして大きなリードをしていなかったら、このような魔女狩りは決して起こらなかっただろう!

