曲者ジョー・バイデンと急進左派がアメリカの民主主義を攻撃している(その2) 2024年3月7日 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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Joe Biden and His Allies Weaponized Government in a Lawless Attempt to Destroy President Trump’s First Term


In August 2016, then-CIA Director John Brennan met with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the Oval Office before the election to brief him on Hillary Clinton’s efforts to fraudulently tie the Trump campaign to Russia.


The Obama-Biden administration spied on Trump’s Campaign in the 2016 presidential race by creating the bogus Crossfire Hurricane investigation under false pretenses, deploying confidential informants to spy on campaign policy aides Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and others.


The Clinton campaign funded the Steele dossier, a collection of false allegations about Trump and Russia created by British and Russian intelligence assets, and senior Clinton campaign aide Jake Sullivan publicized the lies. Today Sullivan, a key player in the Russia Hoax, serves as President Biden’s national security advisor.


The mainstream media worked closely with the weaponized government and partisan Democrats to popularize the fake Russia Hoax. Some even won Pulitzers for their lies, and have no regrets and offer no apologies for lying to the American people.


While the DOJ special counsel eventually determined no Trump personnel colluded with Russia at all, the partisan-driven Russia investigations succeeded in their primary purpose of interfering with federal government administration by weaponizing the administrative state against a democratically elected president.


Joe Biden and Democrats Have Broadly Weaponized Government Against Their Political Opponents


Biden is criminalizing political dissent by putting meme-maker Douglass Mackey in prison.


Many J6 defendants were prosecuted, convicted, or pleaded guilty to “parading” which is simply an expression of political dissent.


The Biden Administration has persecuted Catholics and pro-life activists.


They have labeled parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists.


They have gone after judges who refuse to rewrite the Constitution


The Biden DOJ is abusing an obstruction-of-justice offense carrying a 20-year prison sentence to criminalize nonviolent protest at the Capitol on January 6th. The obstruction law was enacted after the Enron scandal to prosecute evidence impairment, but Biden is using it to prosecute political demonstrations.


Biden's DOJ is selectively prosecuting J6 defendants and not Democrat rioters. The rioters from Summer 2020 could be charged with the exact same offenses used on the J6ers and others, but are not. The double standard proves the Biden DOJ has become a political weapon. 


Nonviolent defendants would normally serve time at minimum security prisons, i.e. Martha Stewart camps. But Biden’s DOJ is blocking nonviolent J6ers from these minimum-security prisons and forcing them into higher-security prisons with drug traffickers, child abusers, and gangs.


Starting in June 2020, a team of 100 anti-Trump partisans met regularly to “war game” the presidential election. In these planning sessions, prominent Democrats organized pro-Biden alternate electors for the Electoral College, pushed blue states to secede from the union, and took other actions that looked a lot like preparations to steal the election in a “clear Trump win” scenario, including the discussion of using the justice system to destroy “Trumpism” after the election. 


Joe Biden’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) targeted Elon Musk by demanding all of his internal communications after he purchased Twitter, committed to making it a free speech social media platform, and restored President Trump’s account.


After the deranged attempt to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh in his own home just a few weeks before the Supreme Court handed down the decision overturning Roe v. Wade, 27 House Democrats voted AGAINST a bill to expand security protection for the families of Supreme Court justices—and Joe Biden REFUSED to condemn it.


Joe Biden has forced his primary opponent Congressman Dean Phillips off the Democrat primary ballot in Florida.


Biden and his Department of Justice are committing high level election interference by prosecuting the former President of the United States and his chief political opponent in the 2024 election. In the midst of a presidential campaign, Biden allies reinstated a gag order on President Trump, who is beating Biden in all the polls.







































