ドナルド・J・トランプ第45代アメリカ合衆国大統領の声明 2024年2月12日 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States

February 12, 2024

Mar-a-Lago, FL — Today, President Trump released the following statement announcing his endorsement of a slate of new leaders at the Republican National Committee:


The RNC MUST be a good partner in the Presidential election.  It must do the work we expect from the national Party and do it flawlessly.  That means helping to ensure fair and transparent elections across the country, getting out the vote everywhere – even in parts of the country where it won’t be easy – and working with my campaign, as the Republican presumptive nominee for President, to win this election and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


For these reasons, I think my friend Michael Whatley should be the RNC’s next leader. Michael has been with me from the beginning, has done a great job in his home state of North Carolina, and is committed to election integrity, which we must have to keep fraud out of our election so it can’t be stolen.


My very talented daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, has agreed to run as the RNC Co-Chair. Lara is an extremely talented communicator and is dedicated to all that MAGA stands for. She has told me she wants to accept this challenge and would be GREAT!


I have also asked Chris LaCivita, in whom I have full confidence, to assume the role of, in effect, Chief Operating Officer of the Committee. Chris will manage the RNC’s day-to-day operations so it will become a fighting machine for 2024 and use all the tools available to win for the American people.


This group of three is highly talented, battle-tested, and smart.  They have my complete and total endorsement to lead the Republican National Committee.


Every penny will be used properly. New Day.





フロリダ州マー・ア・ラーゴ —本日、トランプ大統領は、共和党全国委員会の新しい指導者を支持することを発表する以下の声明を発表した。












すべての一銭は適切に使用されます。※新約聖書マタイの福音書5章26節(イエスの山上の垂訓の一節)に関わりがあろう。元の言葉:"I tell you the truth, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny."(「まことに、あなたに告げます。あなたは最後の一コドラントを支払うまでは、そこから出ては来られません。」)敵との和解の大切さを教えている。
